
Woody Allen is not a convicted child molester.

Come on you guys - why should she be forced to have an opinion about this? why can't she be allowed to stay out of it and want her work to be separate? It's just all such a mess and we'll never really know the true truth. It's not our business! Unlike many others in the news for their sexual crimes/perversions, Woody

General Sinclair's attorney, Richard L. Scheff, said the will allow the general to move on with his life.

There is no god.

Thank you for writing this article. It's probably the most insightful, interesting and important thing I've ever read on

yes there it is! "but the thing is we DO know better than them!" thank you

Are you really trying to say that cultures of oppression that deprive women of basic human rights aren't a ridiculous thing to fight to preserve when the cost is the health and safety of women?

Onlooker: "What's that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Captain Cultural Relativism!"

(Captain Cultural Relativism lands in the middle of the crowd, clad in tight multicolored spandex, so as to represent all the unique and special lands of the world, with an incredible golden tower shield strapped to

I feel perfectly okay criticizing female genital mutilation, regardless of which culture happens to practice it.

At what point in history was it decided that women were sub-human? Was it the mythical tale about Adam and Eve and how she steered the man to the dark side? What about cultures that don't believe in the Bible, what made them decide women were the lowest form of life and to be treated accordingly?

There are health risks to this whole practice: improper sanitation, not being able to fully clean menstrual cloths in order to avoid later infections, oh, AND BEING FORCED TO CLUMP UP IN TINY SHACKS WITHOUT ELECTRICITY AND RUN THE RISK OF RAPE AND SNAKE BITE. But you go on, defending "traditions" that are just more

If a menstruating woman's touch sickens men and boys, who don't the women use it to take over?

Fuck cultural sensitivities. The only reason foot binding was so quickly and effectively banned in china is that Mao not only banned it, it was swiftly and vigorously enforced without any regard to cultural sensitivities. Harmful cultural practices have to be eradicated and the only way to do it is to remove tha taboo

You know the rules: At Gawker, if you don't firmly believe that every other country and culture is infinitely superior to the US, you are a gun toting, flag waving tea bagger.

Cue the cultural relativists showing up swinging out of the woodwork. :)

This will be surprisingly intimate for a Jez comment... but this reminds me of how, when I was younger, I used to worry that the ghosts of dead relatives saw me do gross stuff.

Black electrical tape over my tablet's camera here.

Pretty sure who ever video taped my house would be annoyed to see how much time I just sit at my computer reading Jezebel.

"I'm not entirely certain that "read too many books" is the problem here."

The two things aren't related. Like at all.