
lol not really. i just remember i used to find her highly annoying and never understood the level of worship people bestowed on her.

it's like people are finally catching on to what an annoying, fame-hungry, manipulative attention-whore she was. Queen Camilla Forever!!

Well now... I know it's been a long time, but she still manages to be annoying.

As someone who recently planned one of these wedding things, the rule was that anyone invited to a pre-wedding event (bachelor party, shower, etc.) needs to be invited to the wedding. I can't even believe that the boyfriend is HOSTING the bachelor party and not invited to the wedding. That is just beyond rude.

She drank the Kool Aid for 38 years. I don't think she was victimized she aided and abetted.

No-she is NOT a victim in this scenario. Let's be clear about this. She is a devoutly religious woman (and we all know how religion brings out the best qualities in people, like self-awareness and honesty) which means she's using her religion as a scapegoat for her IGNORING what she KNEW her husband was doing. Do you

The awful truth is that monsters choose people like Dottie because they're too dumb to notice or are capable of denial to the degree it could be considered an outright superpower. It's possible that she has a very low IQ and/or has been brainwashed.

Here's why I try to avoid physical stores. I can't stand salespeople. I don't need your help, if I need your help I will come look for you. Corporations really need a new way to train their employees because all up in my face is not working.

These people shouldn't be allowed to have pets OR children.

Maybe they shouldn't let their baby torture the cat and then kick the cat when it defends his territory. Yeah, that ought to do it.

Hopefully Lux finds a better situation....if they give him away for "attacking" a baby, he will be put down. :( Pets and babies need supervision when together....and kicking a cat is horrible, he could have damaged organs or broken ribs. Someone call PETA.

I'd want the FAMILY to get therapy as well. Because if you're abusing your cat now... it's not going to get any better by having the damned CAT get therapy.

Poor kitty :(

The local PSCA should remove this cat from the home. They KICKED it for misbehaving?! How long til they beat the kid for misbehaving?

someone get this cat better humans. ones without children.

The best thing that could happen to this cat would be if they found another home for him where he won't be constantly terrorized by people who have no business having pets.

I'm betting this poor cat is the target of systematic abuse. That baby barely got a scratch on its head and yet the dude boots it in the ass hard enough to cause it to go into full-on attack cat mode. >.<

Cat got tail yanked and then kicked. Cat is not psycho. Cat is sick of being abused.

Just wondering how badly this cat has been abused before this incident...