
FUN FACT: No one in real life cares what school you went to.

Should we spend our college years looking for our future husbands? Absolutely not, and phrasing it that way (or calling it "husband hunting") forces us into a conversation that misses the real point. But do I wish someone had told me how hard it would be to meet men outside of college and, later, work? That dating

I think she got it as right as she could, considering. Love him or hate him, Woody Allen is a cultural force, and while he's not my cup of tea, millions of people love his work. Plenty of actors would kill to work with him, and to not acknowledge that would be kind of a dick move, IMO.

You're reaching, Jezebel.

More outrageous was that she didn't mention me at all, and I watched her movie.


I'm starting to think this is an act. Bravo.

Is anyone else getting kind of tired of this? 'Oh look, it's JLaw! And she's falling, just like a normal person! How relatable!' Meh.

I'm trying really hard to like JLaw, but she just seems so very, very fake.

Ooooookaaaay, Jennifer Lawrence.


Nancy O'Dell dresses and styles herself like a 20 year old socialite. I really want to take her aside and cut her hair in a chic bob and put her in more becoming clothing.

How on earth is it "passive-aggressive" to refuse a request? Just confirms my opinion that people use "passive-aggressive" to mean anything, or anything they don't like.

You're 30, not 13.

Or make him buy me a Clairsonic :)

Listen Paula, you can do so much better than this scumbag. Keep walking away and don't look back. You didn't feel disrespected, you were disrespected. Thicke is a misogynistic creep. Do you want your son to grow up thinking it's okay to treat women like that?

French manicures are considered déclassé by the fashion crowd.

"Yea, DC is great and all, but Tyson's Corner is where the action really is"

I think it just means getting a French manicure. Because they're so naff :)

I really don't understand why Jezebel lists one of the aspects of the site as Fashion when all the articles do is shoot it down and the commenters seem to hate it equally as much.