
To follow all that rant about being grossed out about the coverage of Philip Seymour Hoffman's funeral with a story about what they're going to do with his part in the Hunger Games, seems like a sarcastic joke to me, is it not? I can't help but feel all this "But what about "Hunger Games?" stuff is in bad taste. The

I don't think it was intended to be a reflection on anyone but Rachel. She was gaunt at the finale. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't understand the meaning of "gaunt." Considering that she herself claims she only lost that much to win, and that she's planning on putting some of the weight back on, I doubt she would

I'll be honest, I'm at the point where I'm automatically suspicious regarding the veracity of anything like this.

Some people just need to be outraged over any damn thing.

Naah, the original article was a non-issue. This one should be framed as a mea culpa for click-baiting.

Just for the sake of discussion: how is this any different than white people who get bronzed, dyed, permed and augmented? Why do white people get to explore any and all looks, but black people are disgraceful if they do it too? Don't all ethnicities strive for a more homogenous look, not necessarily white?

Off topic: That lip color looks good on her.

If you have more to say than your allotted character limit...

That picture up top of Lena Dunham is beautiful.


It's never comfortable to hear service workers complaining about their financial troubles within earshot. But, like $5 extra dollars worth, not $15,000.

omg, get over it. He didn't make a public statement about her weight, he made a joke to her, and she gave as good as she got. Get angry about something real.

I dont dislike her because she's thin, I dislike her way of making it seem like her cooking/clothes/etc are accessible for everyone! Not everyone has a fucking pizza brick oven outside their backyard. She also seems snotty, bitchy and down right blah. I could be wrong, if I am please correct me!

Someone who talks about the US as though it's made up of only the East Coast and West Coast, wow what a novelty, so rare!

Her comments remind me of when all those college football fans came out in defense of Jerry Sandusky.

I like your choices of hideous people that Barbara loves. I will assume you are a historian, otherwise you might be as old as I am! ;)

I can't think of a bad enough word for this privileged, clueless, overpaid piece of shit.

When will people stop listening to Barbara Walters? She's always been a celebrity ass-kisser and social climber with no real ethics at all. How she's garnered such an amount of power and respect is beyond me.

Um. The Bling Ring isn't a documentary. It's based on a true story. It's not like Sofia Coppola has any obligations to journalistic integrity, or whatever. It was probably done for storyline purposes. Also, as far as I know none of the original members of the "Bling Ring" support the movie, nor are they going to "cool