
Embarrassing when people who can't even use Paint start trying to talk about Photoshop.

Another busy day for the professionally offended.

So no reviews anymore? Or did you only watch when the woman are on the screen? Being a male and a frequenter of IO9, Deadspin and Gawker, I used to enjoy the coming to Jezebel to read the Mad Men reviews. It was very refreshing getting another perspective, one that I can not relate and not because of my age (I'm 27).

Let me be the first to express my glee at the thought of Megan being murdered. Although it should be off screen, because Pare couldn't handle that if her life depended on it.

This man should try a few months of sleep deprivation combined with continuous irritation of sensitive body parts, plus massive hormonal changes, and see how it affects his concentration. Biology makes this a lady issue, but I'm betting that replicating the causes would have a similar effect on any human/animal.

I'll bet it sucked to be a German immigrant in America during WW2.

Let's all be honest. Most people who list "To Kill a Mockingbird" as their favorite book also list "The Bible" and haven't read a book that wasn't assigned to them since they were 13.

If you look around, the behavior of men seems to indicate that as a group they are much more mentally unstable than women could ever dream of being.

So the problem is that they weren't racist enough in casting these fly girls? Should they have said "well, fly girl means black, so you white girls can't get the job"?