
Racist, sexist, and fat-shaming as well.

Well, it didn't stop them from paying Michael Vick or that golfer guy . . . which is why I never buy Nike.

I used to do this (well, hair going from medium brown to auburn) and Jolene worked fine. Just leave it on for . . not very long. It's cheap, you can mix up another batch if you want to do lighter. And I think it takes a special person/face/Mother Nature to pull off dark brows and blonde hair.

This may help: I *think* Duck was a brand name in the 40's?? (That was from memory.)

Makes perfect sense to me : )

I was like you, and am now very old and finally have clear skin. NOT advising waiting this out, though! Not only are there the years of misery NOW, but later you'll be suffering from scars and pits. I just paid $1200 on [temporary] filler for pits in my chin left by scars.

Actually I think it comes from towing the line along a towpath (a rope attached to a barge in a canal), so yes. It's a bit confusing since it seems that either would work.

Jacqueline Wildenstein?

Maybe Armani?

I am a Boomer and think she was egregiously misunderstood. I am sick of the knee-jerk reactions/replies (yes, even here) to her posing for, as I recall, a PR shot that she was led/asked to do. Or something. To think that she was not on the side of Americans is just lazy thinking.

I really, really like those trousers! Could we put them on Wardrobe Watch, or whatever that find-an-obscure-piece-of-clothing feature is????

Yes! Honestly, my cat punctured it once . .. but they replaced it!

She needs to look up the definition of "fulsome."

Agreed. It's just a quirky, overly PC, fleeting bugaboo. Stay tuned . . . next decade it will be something else, and a whole new generation can be horrified.

Have you seen the chill pillows — (different brand names?) They are wonderful cooling gel thingies? There are other such items for spot cooling that you hang on your neck, even Barbara-Bush looking chunky pearls.

It sounds like something else.

I just came here to say COTD . . . and even though I am not first, or original, I still will.

It is not necessary to curtsey.

This happened when I had my daughter 33 years ago. She was late, induced, and "only" 9 lb 1 oz. She's, like 5'5" now. The collarbone heals quickly when your age is measured in days!

I have since followed some of those links myself . . and found that I hit on a lot of the same words: cult, of course, but also Scientology and even Stasi. I had forgotten some of their lingo, like racket and possibilities, and it all came back.