
I have some experience with it . . . was pretty much dragooned into it by a friend about 15 years ago, which is how they do business: nagging, coercion, recruitment, "invitations to my graduation." Pyramid scheme - check! There are levels, a basic class, then an after-class with a certain topic (which varies), and

And don't forget, there are never any gypsies on the cover of the Hollywood issue of Vanity Fair!

I think they are all trying to mimic the annual outrage at the Vanity Fair Hollywood issue cover. Perhaps that's how they audition for a job.

I want to second the post-birth euphoria. I had it with my first, who was induced and so I had an epidural, and my second, who was in a military hospital and for which they kept putting me off and fiddled around until it "was too late for drugs." I cried tears of joy that I had a girl the second time too (this was

My first one was induced as she was ~3 weeks late. So, no help there. Second one, I had the mucous plug-loss thing in the afternoon, 3 days after my "due date", woke up with my water breaking around 1 AM, started timing the contractions, went to the hospital by, oh, 9, and had her by 1 PM. I'm sure you've read up on

I LOVED that series! AFAIC, they could drop all the Beyonce updates and bring it back instead!

Also, bone grafting is no big deal. Not to worry, Lindy.

Oh, please. That makes TOO MUCH SENSE!

My thoughts exactly. She is beautiful.

"will be able to find them" . . . on Jezebel.

Totally agree; in the afters they are very pretty. I don't get the rage either . . .just another Wednesday at Jezebel.

I am wondering how the anti-vaccine crowd feels about this? Do they distinguish between, say, not getting the pertussis vaccine by which Jenny McCarthy & Co have brought whooping cough back to the world, and this flu campaign? This herd immunity works the same way.

Polly Draper?

What's the extra $1 for?

What you said.

How is this hypocritical?

Bill Nighy is no cover boy, but he's a damn sight more good-looking than General Before-Picture for Invisalign.

I saw this last week. The clothes are beautiful, the sets kinda fun, but the suspension of disbelief required to consider Aaron Taylor-Johnson a figure worth ruining one's life over was beyond me. Keira gets honors just for pretending he is.

Speaking *not* as a male, but as a mother of two adult women, it is true, you (we) will never get your pre-baby body back. Yes, this nutritional advice is great, and I was with you except for this point. There are more body changes than just the stretch marks that perhaps a male is not aware of (??). PLEASE, men, STOP

Minority of two here . . . and I saw them all!