Well, lady, you are in luck, because the Bible actually specifically addresses this issue! Let’s crack open the good book and see what you and your sons should do!
Well, lady, you are in luck, because the Bible actually specifically addresses this issue! Let’s crack open the good book and see what you and your sons should do!
Lesbians can be around women in leggings or short skirts and not turn into rape monsters. Maybe the problem isn’t the leggings or the skirts?
I am Mom.
In addition, ladies: you are welcome to ogle *my* butt. I’ve done many squats in order to make it ogle-able.
A friend of mine was breastfeeding her infant daughter a few years ago, sitting outside a store in an outdoor mall. A woman came out of the store with her five year old son and started to berate my friend for “exposing her son to bare breasts.” She said, “What am I supposed to tell him about what he’s seeing?”
A middle-aged woman staring at young women’s butts sounds like the prelude to an interesting midlife crisis
Mothers of only boys are the most emphatic supporters of the “boys will be boys” theory. And they tend to be largely deferential to their sons. Please accept this generalization from a mother of only boys.
Right? My entire life I’ve treated women as equals; consider their opinions, ideas, and contributions as valid as any similarly informed man; and also recognize them as unique individuals who defy sweeping generalizations. I’ve had and have women bosses. I want a woman president. I cried during the No Man’s Land…
Who’s going to tell her about Mom Culture? Yes, Mrs. White (stunningly appropriate name there), women who are ~someone’s mother~ wear leggings so damn much that whole MLM empire has been built upon their “blackly naked rear ends.” Don’t ever let your precious sons venture into a Target, lest their pure virginal eyes…
I’m confused because she says her sons weren’t staring but she couldn’t help but stare. Maybe Maryann should keep her eyes up towards Jesus at church. He’s got those bare, muscular thighs she can stare at.
Reminds me of when I was in college and some dude wrote a letter to the editor asking all female students to stop wearing cross-body messenger bags because it emphasized their breasts too much and made him think Impure Thoughts.
But how does she feel about exposed ankles?!? The world evidently needs to know her unsolicited opinion about that too!
Not entirely on point, but I recently started working at a university and I was shocked to see how many girls were wearing leggings to class. Not shocked in a pearl clutching way, just surprised to see how much fashion had changed since I was in college. Oh, and Doc Martens are baaaaaack. God I’m old.
The comments to the letter are pretty great:
Before I even read about this woman I knew she had sons and no daughters. I have a few friends who have only sons and they are always bad-mouthing girls for tempting their poor innocent boys. It makes me furious. These are women who raise their sons with no sense of accountability.
“blackly naked rear ends”
It’s okay to look at another woman’s butt, Maryann. Quit projecting.
My sons know better than to ogle a woman’s body — certainly when I’m around (and hopefully, also when I’m not).
Maybe this woman should mind her own damn business and stop being jealous that she doesn’t look good in leggings.
But you couldn’t help but see those blackly naked rear ends.