
Sounds like somebody doesn’t want a bunch of people with cell phones to witness Baltimore’s Finest wailing on some protesters.

“The Baltimore police ask that you remain in your seats while they figure out the best way to escalate the situation.”

Love it! Let's be offended by EVERYTHING!

I enjoyed this response:

it's a standard strategy, u gotta have a backup for your starter during his bye week or else pick up josh mccown

This must be how he added oil.

I'm black, and really cowherd does 3 hours by himself everyday, hes gonna have some cuts that sound ridiculous... but the large majority of things he says are really progressive... this is taken out of context and clearly made in jest...

I have an issue with artificial sweeteners (or more accurately, my body doesn't like to digest them) - so that's a no go.

She probably also thinks that goddamned dress is White and Gold.

Sure, Wilson could have easily addressed the rumors and absolved Tate, but at this point should we really be shocked that he squandered a Golden opportunity.

What I'm saying is the "good" and "bad" cholesterol particles are in your body.

You are aware there are a number of invisible disabilities, like heart conditions or lung problems? Some people are able to look young and fit, but only if they are able to use disabled bays in order to avoid collapsing horribly followed by dying? Unless you are privy to their medical records, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

LMAO hahahahaha literally the moment I saw that truck on the field I thought "wow this guy got jipped. Everyone always gets a corvette". It's like if you're gonna give a pickup at least make it the top of the line full size. I totally understand that they wanted to give the Colorado publicity, but Tom Brady is never

Chevy can't even give their products away now!

Fellow commenter Chatham Harrison brings up a great point. However, if this were a Vette would the same had gone down? Chevy is really pushing the Colorado but frankly theres a time and a place for placement...hence why its called placement and not forcement. The colorado is and will do well but it did not have a

I guess it's like how the Illuminati for some inexplicable reason leave all of these hints everywhere, like symbols on currency or the design of streets in DC.

My dearest friends' daughter was one of the 26 murdered that day. I've spent many days in their home since Avielle was killed, and I've seen firsthand the crushing grief, the uncomprehending agony, and the incredible resilience her parents have displayed. To see her memory blasphemed, and her parents slandered as

but a shot of everclear in that low calorie beer will fix that.

@justagigilo85: You aren't being a smartass because you completely missed the point. Both groups had the same amount of calories. The group that had a higher water intake lost more weight.