These anti vax morons are a horrible combination of stupid, arrogant, self-deluded and dangerous. I hate them so much.
These anti vax morons are a horrible combination of stupid, arrogant, self-deluded and dangerous. I hate them so much.
Well at least he likes to garden.
Here Lies a Redskin.
Beautifully well written. Thank you!
Al Davis is looking up from his bar stool in hell and grinning broadly.
Fuck the both of those anti-Vax shitbags. I hope they get Ass Rubella.
I hate the patriots but that woman is incredibly annoying.
ugh and the title of that horribly shitty article has a glaring grammatical error. FEWER travelers. Idiot.
First article should be on how to get out of the greys on Gawker blogs without basically making it your life's work to follow and post on them.
NFL rules say he has to speak to the media. Period. He's doing his job.
But can Al do 7 pushups after he scores
I'm sorry. How is this vicious cunt not banned for life yet?
You have a lot of nerve making outrageous comments like this after enjoying the benefits of a life growing up in the US. Why don't you just get the fuck out if you hate the U.S. so much? Go back to Russia and suck Putin's cock from the comfort of the motherland. Or are you enjoying the robust U.S. Economy too much?
Yeah, great idea. I am sure a petition to fire THE OWNER would work really well.
question for you guys: are any of the affected cars all wheel drive or available in all wheel drive?
You're adorable.
We get dolled up and dress WELL, Lindsey. Sorry, I just can't bring myself to harass women who use poor grammar.
I didn't make the call. This isn't about me, abrasive cunt.
Yeah the biggest "dumbass" on that call was the prankster. He was handed a gift when she continued to seriously question him. To paraphrase a famous bathroom poet, he came to shit, but only farted.