I feel they and all of the men considered short on tinder now have something to protest about. I joined a couple weeks ago and from what I gather there’s a ton of height discrimination or the perception of it.
I feel they and all of the men considered short on tinder now have something to protest about. I joined a couple weeks ago and from what I gather there’s a ton of height discrimination or the perception of it.
That awkward moment when an article forces you to say something negative about children’s perceived talent and tell the truth.
Sorry, I just don’t believe rehabilitation works in these cases. If someone kills in two robberies, rehabilitation and a looong time to think about it (if not life) followed by probation sure.
By today’s woke standards no comedian in history ever would have been successful. Richard Pryor? Kinison’s famous starving Ethiopian jokes... damn every black comedian who’s made a ‘white people do this, black people do that” joke, and Lopez would be a self hating Latino. Hell, Chaplin would be a war criminal.…
Sorry but in a way this is “first world problems”. Coming from war torn country in which the military or those apposing it raped us children on a regular, or we were threatened and therefore hidden on often occasion...
Well slavery was actually abolished there less than 4 years ago so...
I love that book, love this actress... this is 360 good.
Where I’m from we call it a hustle.
First, Gaga... Yaaaas bitch.
I missed my Chula Vista exit and ended up there, police pulled me over, made me go to an ATM and withdraw the max (300 I believe) in order to “escort” me back the 3 blocks to the border. Other police cars circled with envy and the worst part: They spoke no english so they yanked a guy out of their van to translate. It…
I think you have missed the hip hop point in it’s entirety. Lauryn Hill...is Lauryn fucking Hill. There will never be another flash of genius the same shade of gold. Like Badu... it can’t be replicated and it’s effect on our community is priceless.
I agree. Not only is she skin and bones but her body language brings the word shame to mind, meanwhile his seems to be looking for specific answers. Hate to say it but there are plenty of places in Africa and elsewhere that a girls’ rape is something that is gossiped about, the family has a scarlet letter so to speak,…
It seems like shouting fire in a theater should be discussed. It’s clear he’s lost but rather than lose with dignity he’s already claiming it’s rigged. For the already insane swamp people who have been and are willing to be violent for him, it resonates as some sort of call to action.
I’m going to vote, in DC, with a 360 degree afro and a Bob Marley T-shirt. Church.
Besides a handful of shows that I can think of, some based on books, most shows have to find their footing in the first season. Remember when SJP and other characters would speak directly into the camera at the audience the first season or two?
What nobody I’ve seen mention so far and outrages me to fullest is that they may not be friends but are definitely bros.
Sadly I disagree. Against all of my hopes he was even, if not won last nights debate. Less to do with him and more to do with Hillary not using all of the advantage the last week has given her and the moderators spending more time delegating who should and shouldn’t be speaking rather than asking the right questions.…
Crosses fingers, looks for wish bone, camping outside wishing for a shooting star, chucking salt over shoulder, tossing all the coins into a pond and praying to everyone’s deities.
12...year...olds. This, I’m so...I can’t wrap my mind around this. The very last threshold besides murder to be crossed and he just tap danced right over that line. I would most certainly cross the street if anyone I know said these things were walking toward me. My vision board is becoming very dark in nature.