There Wolf, There Castle

1.) After over one year of Trump, I believe that Barf Bag needs a new name. It is no longer sufficient. May I suggest hemorrhaging bag? Any other suggestions?


We were laughing our collective asses off in a haze of ganja smoke at Jay and Silent Bob a decade before any online hate even existed.

i do not understand why he’s hated here on jez, i truly don’t.

She’s got lifeless eyes; black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. She doesn’t seem to be livin’... until she bites you, and those black eyes roll over white. And then you hear that terrible, high-pitched screaming, the ocean turns red...

All we’re trying to do is make and sell mass murder weapons, not have people actually use them. That’s what the media wants.

Actually, something I’ve always found hilarious as a military spouse, is that only security forces are allowed to carry firearms on a military base. Weapons are issued for deployments only and you can get in really big trouble if found carrying a weapon. So no. We even resist guns on military bases. But everyone in a

That’s the thing. When you hear about special forces missions extracting hostages and killing kidnappers in far-flung places, what you don’t hear about are the countless hours of intelligence gathering and intensive tactical training in environments created to simulate the situation as closely as possible. When Delta

Barf Bag© makes my Blood Boil©

This idiocy was playing while I was at the gym this morning.

Ah yes, if only there was any compelling source material for Batgirl to draw inspiration from. It must be hard to come up with a story from scratch when no one has ever written the character before.

Dear well-meaning people everywhere,

I grew up in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.


I don’t think the takeaway was that “having kids” is what makes someone human. The takeaway was being human means having those kinds of experiences we expect from humanity (note K’s relationship with his A.I. was not about children in any way) and leaving a mark on the world in some way (such as K sacrificing himself

I loved the theater experiences. The gorgeous visuals, haunting music, and quiet performances really made it one of the most immersive movies I’ve seen. I was riveted its entire length.

I’m not the biggest fan of 2019 - I think it drops off a clff when Harrision Ford shows up - but it certainly sounds like Hauer hasn’t watched it. He’s missing the humour? What humour is there in the original?

Your pussy ass wouldn’t say a damn thing, you’d sit there there staring at the floor, admiring your walmart kicks and tubesocks. shut yur bitchass up and go back to whatever ghetto your crawled from.

Does anyone think that the likes of Scott and Rubio will have the nerve to appear at any memorial services for the victims? Or will they send their ‘thoughts and prayers’ from afar?

I am just going to post this here: