I know, this entire conversation is like some MRA schlub wondering why Taylor Swift won’t date him.
I know, this entire conversation is like some MRA schlub wondering why Taylor Swift won’t date him.
And in a similar vein (stealing this point from a YouTube video I just watched) are lots of “proud Irish Americans/Italian Americans/Danish Americans/French Americans” about to switch narrative and denounce their motherlands just to back their piece of shit President?
I can’t imagine current USA looks very attractive to people who have free universal healthcare, free university education, decent employment and no crumbly conservatives trying to remove women’s rights every day of the week.
Haha beautiful!
Yo, almost all of what you wrote is straight BS.
The difference is, Obama later owned his mistake and said he was tired when he said 57. Plus it was clear from the context he meant to say 47, because he said he had one more state to go visit and his staff wouldn’t let him visit Alaska or Hawai’i.
It’s entirely appropriate to joke about trump and his supporters being racist because they’re racist scum.
Did we forget that some of your people still think Obama is a Muslim Terrorist, Not Born in the US, or the literal Anti-Christ?
It’s funny. Kotaku posts silly shit sometimes. I guarantee you that if Obama had accidentally said something video game related they would have also found it hilarious.
Imagine being an insufferable twat like you. Yikes.
I fully believe it’s a flat out lie. He does it all the time. Lying for the sake of making himself sound better is like, line 1 out of the Donald Trump playbook.
Me? Triggered? Your responses are all over this thread. Are there any mirrors in your house?
Are you sure you have correctly identified the triggered party in this situation, snowflake? Because from where I’m sitting it looks like a video game blog posted a “ha, this is mildly funny” bit about a slipup and you stumbled in here as fast as you could to let us all know how outraged and offended you are about it.
How does it feel to defend an ignorant, racist piece of scum?
Maybe it is newsworthy because he does it all the frickin’ time, along with his daily lies and self-aggrandisement. It’s newsworthy because it is further proof that the guy is a complete idiot and should be removed from office.
If he meant B-52, then he is still a moron. The B-52s are strategic bombers, and we certainly aren’t fighter jets. Norway wouldn’t want them and we aren’t selling (no other country in the world operates the B-52). We also have a very limited number we can posses under treaties with Russia, so we’d be at a disadvantage…
“sign The Petition.”
Do people really believe “signing a petition” means anything? Oooo! More than four million people signed a petition! Sick burn, brah! More than half the fucking country didn’t vote for Trump in the first place, but yeah... an online petition signed by 1+ million anonymous hotmail.com accounts will totally turn the…
Her dad, in a surgically curated package.
It’s purely gaslighting. She works hard to curate her public image to be some sort of hybrid Martha Stewart, Gwyneth and Gloria Steinem, when in reality, she’s just her dad in a prettier package.