Kim Jong Un is not a god damn contest rival. You can’t “Skeevy Nickname” someone out of a nuclear war.
Kim Jong Un is not a god damn contest rival. You can’t “Skeevy Nickname” someone out of a nuclear war.
God damn you’re a thirsty motherfucker.
That’s some weak ass shitposting right there.
I’m forwarding that to him. Thank you. ALL THE STARS!
My Father was an Air Force Air Mobility Command Officer (Now Retired). I’ll let his email to me speak for itself:
I’ll give you the ‘bros’ part, I don’t know where you’re getting “sexist” from though- I’ve never picked up on that. Could you expand your statement? (Serious question.)
Lovett was her speech writer. Wtf are you talking about?
If anyone would like to hear an exceptional interview with her from yesterday, I highly recommend this episode of Pod Save America. It provided a lot of really nuanced information that I hadn’t considered before and I felt like Hillary dropped her guard quite a bit in her answers.
You didn’t ask to do business with Equifax, and the exposure of your data certainly happened through no fault of your own.
“Troy” is fierce as fuck tho.
I’m dismissing you because: Oh Fuck Off. You don’t do yourself any favors with your “She just wears a lot of makeup” line as you are clearly seeing the same thing I was.
Honestly that’s my working theory as well.
It is really hard for me to believe that this is the face of a 28 year old woman. I’m not saying that in a snarky way either. I don’t know if this is just a bad pic, but... just damn, it isn’t worth it Hope.
Imagine Ted Cruz furiously masturbating to Twitter while one of his little tonsil stones pops in and out of his moist doughy mouth.
This isn’t getting a lot of traction elsewhere so I’m going to leave it here:
Here in Portland I see far more Narwhals and Kraken(s?) then I do mermaids these days. We may be ahead of the curve.
Whoever ungreyed him should feel very bad.
Scott Pruitt can’t die in a fire fast enough.
Maybe if you fucking hipsters quit shitting all over journeymen and women and other skilled craftspeople in this country they wouldn’t have felt the need to latch onto one of they few people who at least pretended to respect them.