There Wolf, There Castle

Can you imagine how dead your soul must be- to read these reports, know the volume of suffering you are going to cause be it physical or financial, and then continue forward simply because you want to ensure that for the last 5-10 miserable years of your pathetic life you’ll get to continue being propped up by

When the alt-right uses a negative term for liberals you can be 100% sure it’s 100% projection 100% of the time.

My wife and I *loved* the first season but we felt like it really went off the rails the second season spending a far-too-long arc on Gretchin’s depression. I get the arc being what it is but it was such a drastic tonal shift for the show that it was a little over the top.

You said “Hope” According to the White House you have total plausible deniability.

Preibus most likely as he also hates Scaramucci and was totally blindsided.

I think one of the best things about cord-cutting and ditching cable has been the decision to take the money I was spending on cable packages and re-orient it to NYT/WaPo/The Guardian. CNN loves to defend itself and Jim Acosta gets all uptight when his credibility is impugned but CNN played a very heavy role in

Trump had a warm and lengthy meeting at the G-20 summit on Friday.

I watched a few seconds of it on mute and then wandered off. It looked silly, wildly racist and really not worth my time.

There is an actual reason behind this that nobody seems to be mentioning (and that Donald would know if he had bothered to do even a minimal bit of customs preparation before going):

The NRA is a PAC for gun manufacturers. They don’t actually give two shits about their members. They exist solely as a front to funnel money into politics.

How I expect the Trump/Putin meeting to go down:

No coincidence that I left the series about two episodes after he did.

Because of Aysymmetric Cyber Warfare and the fact that Russia is at war with the world. Even if we don’t want to admit it in polite conversation.

She supports women, women like her. named Ivanka Trump.

Ohhhh I get it, you *don’t* care then. And are therefore just trying to get a rise out of the evil SJW’s who are destorying your world. Fight on brave warrior.

Is it like watching you pretend that you actually care about fat shaming?

It’s okay if it’s directed toward a hypocritical piece of shit asshole who’s actions have hurt his constituents broadly, yes.

Seems like this fits right in in the “My feelings are more valid than your facts” society we live in.

Kushner couldn’t helm this one too?