There Wolf, There Castle

But could we all stop with the fucking crying about it?

Oh man, I can just taste all those tasty leading man parts in my mouth!

I’m so sorry. :(

It is though I can hardly see an outcome that favors Putin in this. Russia is economically shredded right now and despite thumping their chests, their military isn’t even slightly a match for the NATO allies.

My wife and I have been on an Arrested Development marathon over the last week. We just got to Bob Loblaw Law and man, Baio just fucking sucked the wind right out of that show knowing what I know now.

I tend to disagree, at least through the way I’ve understood the lens of history. So I’m not quite willing to say this is the beginning of WWIII. That said, I fully expect that after 1/20 the odds of some idiot *cough*trump*cough* causing enough world destabilization that we’ll be on that road- whether this plays

No... actually, Austria pretty much ran directly to Germany immediately saying “We’re going to do some shit, you have to back us up.”.

I feel like people need to slow down on this one. I’ve heard a lot of this talk. Though it looks bad, keep in mind this is not quite the same as an Austrian Archduke getting killed, and though things are frustratingly tense between Turkey/Nato and Russia right now, we’re hardly in the insane situation that Europe

“Icey Hot Stunta”

Don’t be racist. There’s an asian guy in there. And everyone knows asians are only 46.8% white. So Ryan’s team is technically diverse!

As I understand it, Cho started talking about it and then Swinton reached out.

This so much. There was no horse race, so the media had to create one.

It is never not possible for me to love Tilda Swinton more.

Thank you- by the way, your avatar is everything.

Savage Obama is best Obama. I can’t wait until he starts to unload after he leaves office.

It’s been interesting watching Twitter after the press conference. All the reporters are talking about the Russia Hacks or the fainting episode or anything but the two solid minutes where Obama lambasted them for running with the hacked email narrative for 6 months then wondering why it was such a big deal.

Yep, because nuance is a lost art in 2016.

I keep *wanting* to find Amy Schumer funny but I never really do for some reason. That said, people who get bent out of shape over what others find funny are kind of insufferable. So enjoy what you enjoy!

INB4 Trumpies calling anti-Zionists anti-Semites.