The one thing I’m deeply worried about with Westworld is that it’s going to devolve into “Guess who is the android” a la Battlestar Galactica.
The one thing I’m deeply worried about with Westworld is that it’s going to devolve into “Guess who is the android” a la Battlestar Galactica.
Curious, does anyone know how they squared their ‘Jade Helm’ conspiracy theory?
“the old days.”
That’s exactly the line they’re using on the WaPo article. It’s insane.
Hey hey, we can also throw Ricardo Montalban a bone too, he hasn’t worked much lately.
Well, in all fairness I was being hyperbolic, but the truth is that Season 2 of Sherlock was iffy and Season 3 was downright terrible.
Hahah touche’ we’ll have to agree to disagree. I need some sleep ;)
Unpopular opinion:
Guys, this is political theater a la Trump.
It’s probably cause there was the briefest of moments after Hurricane Sandy when he dropped his partisan horseshit and worked to get his state fixed. That cast a long shadow.
Surely you’re kidding. Everyone knows about the famous Twatwaffles of East Camden Row. Their High Tea is glorious in season.
Keep in mind, this is what Trump has stated he wants to do with our National Debt. I imagine our country creditors will look on that just as fondly.
I meant to ask someone who heard it better than me. Did he actually say ‘bigly’ or was it ‘big lie’ I was getting lost in his fridge magnet speech.
Exploding tampons is how the CIA could have finally gotten Castro. Just sayin.
He clarified that he was going to “self-terminate”. For whatever it’s worth.
I’m pretty late on this one, but the strangest thing made me so happy today. My wife and I went to the Humane Society (One of the biggest ones in the country) and it was damn near empty of animals. I’m really hoping it’s because the people in this city have been out en masse and adopting.
I missed the drama that you’re alluding to but I’ve always wondered and not in a sarcastic or judgmental way- what happened to the disease you used to talk about frequently- did it get resolved or do you just not talk about it anymore. I remember at one point you said you’d be likely dead by August. I’m honestly…
And yet I knew exactly what the author intended and meant by using it. Therefore, as a means of communication, it is in fact a word.
Holy shit, does he really? I did not know that.