Oh my god. I was 100% sure they were just being sarcastic for effect...
Oh my god. I was 100% sure they were just being sarcastic for effect...
I sure don’t feel bad for them given how hard they’ve stoked the fires of hatred in this country.
That particular statement was one that I was able to shut down my Obama hating father with.
Maybe the media takes the cue that he doesn’t and recognizes it’s not fair to make fun of someone’s disability.
When even Oxy-Jabba is bashing you, you know you’ve lost.
Oh god. I saw the Tweets but having it laid out like that is glorious.
Whatever. I’m shocked she’s saying anything to support him at all at this point. I figured she’d be extra salty that he ruined her book release party today.
It’s even better when you see the full title:
On the other hand... Beat Takeshi.
What makes me insane about the whole situation is that news outlets act as though it’s some kind of legitimate ‘pivot’ for him trying to be presidential and court voters. It’s like they cannot even see how far they’ve had to lower the bar at this point.
Why are you even wasting your time with this circular argument? You’re literally giving this troll masturbation fodder.
I couldn’t respond on Gawker, because I’m banned there (Which is weird being not-grey nearly everywhere else)for telling Ashley that trying to buy a stolen copy of Star Wars script was illegal. That said, I still went there every day and read both articles and comments with joy. I’m kind of uneasy about the hubris…
You should just stop now.
Funny(ish) story- my wife was born and raised in Russia at the end of the Soviet Era and moved here after college. When we first met I took her to a Rocky Horror screening and I think it broke her mind- like she literally couldn’t wrap her head around what was going on.
I like both Wilmore and Noah, but for some reason I just don’t find them compelling. I don’t know what it is- with Noah there seems to be an earnestness that while endearing lacks a bit of the cynicism that made TDS great. With Wilmore, I feel like he was the highlight but the panels always struggled.
Ah the classic “Well I’m sorry that you feel the way you do.” non apology that I have heard so many times out of these idiots.
I feel like the only things I ever knew about Terra Haute come from “A Christmas Story”. But that can’t be right can it?
I was over on the Guardian today and there was someone commenting there that “You can tell this isn’t an American site, because in America, you don’t see anyone saying anything nice about Hillary Clinton. Americans are tired of Democrats and Republicans and Donald will change things... yadda yadda.”.