Christie was talking about Hillary? I was SURE he was auditioning for one of New Jersey’s School’s 7th Grade production of “The Crucible”.
Christie was talking about Hillary? I was SURE he was auditioning for one of New Jersey’s School’s 7th Grade production of “The Crucible”.
Weirdly, I got James and Meyer confused when I read the title and found myself wondering which Jason Bourne movie this fanfic was referencing.
It’s not dumb, the grey/ungrey thing seems to reset every few years. To be ungreyed you have to be followed by “The Blog”. It’s one of the writers who had decided for some reason you stand out and that you should be a regular contributor. What that entails seems to vary depending on who is monitoring the comments.
I know the roulette wheel of grey-dom. I’m black on Giz, Jez, io9 and Lifehacker, but grey on TheSlot. This is worse than trying to catch all the Pokemon at this point.
This is one of the worst Troll Burner accounts circulating today.
Yeah, we loved it, finished it last night. I have a few issues with anachronism, but that’s just me being nitpicky- I’m looking forward to people getting caught up, I’m itching to really discuss it.
First, I’m pretty sure that was tongue-in-cheek. Second, no one is tying you to a chair and making you read it.
Guy chiming in. I saw it with my wife this weekend (When we weren’t bingeing Stranger Things on Netflix). It was hilarous. Thin on plot (Just being honest), but hilarious and I’m 100% glad we went, because all we wanted was to have some fun.
ALL THE MEN [are] to blame for Donald Trump
Honestly, the most vocal online supporters aren’t old enough to vote yet. I’m not saying that snarkily either, I remember going to the Reddit page for SAnders and seeing a lot of “I can’t vote in this election, but...”
Apparently the goons over on Breitbart had a collective rage-induced stroke when Pence got floated. I’m wondering how that’s going to play out as this moves forward or whether, when their thirst for vitriol momentarily slaked, they will become docile once again and fall in line with Trump’s bloated rhetoric.
Oh wow. That’s good stuff right there.
Is Calvin Harris about to disappear mysteriously
Allow me to introduce you to my erotic fanfic.
Estate taxes would be my guess. I’m sure her father left her *a lot* of money when he passed in 2006.
You know, now that you say this, it really is the most plausible way to derail his campaign. And it’s so genius in it’s simplicity.
I like llamas, but baby goats are my internet palate cleansers.
I'm a man so this probably doesn't help, but Gawker in general this week is becoming vile on a level I cannot shake. Watching those comments as well as the ones on the main page regarding BLM and the Dallas shootings are starting to hurt me on my fucking soul. I do not understand how people have become so twisted as…
They don’t consider it because the people who are their base fucking love it. The rest of us who stare in disbelief are already too shellshocked by their inability to move even iota toward common sense aren’t going to be less numb when they continue their obstructionist agenda.
Weirdly, I was just thinking about 99 Problems yesterday and couldn’t help but put the ‘pull over’ part in perspective with what we’re seeing now.