Username checks out if you’re sticking by that line of what happened.
Username checks out if you’re sticking by that line of what happened.
I was a supporter to the degree that I’ve been donating since his announcement. He’s lost me. Choosing to stay in and fragment the party giving the horror that is Trump the potential to be the President does not sit well with me.
Also totally fair points, and I think that the gender thing definitely holds true for some, but who knows why. You may have hit something with the 90's era Clinton Presidency though. My father was military during those years, and I know (Also anecdotally) that a lot of ex Military holds a negative view of the Clinton…
This is purely anecdotal so don’t think I’m calling you out, but:
Adjunct to that- I broke my heel and severed my achilles tendon a month ago and I’ve for the last week finally been in a position to get around on my crutches in the grocery store. I always wear my wedding ring- and I don’t know if it’s the crutches or what, but I have been chatted up while hobbling around the store…
If the beeb can dump Moyles they can dump Evans
Portland OR is crazy right now as well.
I’m sorry but no. This is horseshit. I’m extremely sorry that some people have led you to believe it’s the case, but it absolutely is not.
My wife is an immigrant and didn’t have a credit score. So the house was purchased by me- however, when we did the titling we put her on with no problem whatsoever- the second half of the conundrum though is honestly present in almost every aspect of the deal for anyone. There’s always the chance of loss, but it’s up…
The smarmy, condescending “But never mind about that...” line made me actively look for something to punch. My skin crawled and cringed at the same time.
Isn’t that disorder called “Being a Furry”?
I can verify. The first time I ever got hit with motion sickness in a video game was Half Life. Surprised the hell out of me. I’m 40. I still game like mad in 3rd person or strategy but I avoid anything FPS like it is tainted meat.
Oh! I haven’t I thought it was only about stopping the assassination- worth checking out?
Just want to say that as a tall lanky guy, Uniqlo jeans and pants are quite honestly the only ones that I have ever found to fit me correctly. It really helps that they carry 31x34 which is not something I’ve seen anywhere else.
Just want to say that as a tall lanky guy, Uniqlo jeans and pants are quite honestly the only ones that I have ever…
Rediculous and Masterbate make flames on the side of my face.
I often wonder what would have happened if JFK had survived into his golden years- or even into the era of cable news. Would we have the same set of view of him as we once did?
Ah you nailed it sideways actually. I do want to hear about it, but it feels like it’s being forced in.
Largely, yes, because it was very anvil-y to me. And as I said, I have issues with a lot of Bioware’s inconsistent character development. They seem to have zero organic flow. You can basically breeze through every aspect of an NPC’s romantic character arc in less than 30 minutes if you’re trying to and without…
Oh no doubt. I’m not saying anything to the validity of it- it was totally valid. It was just such a random aside for the personal mission in Fantasy game that it was a little offputting- perhaps if there had been more Dorian personal missions to offset it a bit it would have made more sense to me. And because that…