You mean the research listed at the top of the article?
You mean the research listed at the top of the article?
No. As evidenced from the article. It’s better to flee and live.
They should have brought back rotoscope...
Wait... you’re suggesting that the Dem PR team sent her to the rally and then tricked Trump’s PR team into seating her behind him because she’s black?
Thank you so much. The new Disk Utility App is so painfully crippled that I almost don’t even know why they bothered. (Yes yes I know, for partitioning/erasing etc... but still. Grumble grumble.).
The Letter “M”
Interestingly the Mac version of the Tomb Raider Reboot was gorgeous on my 15” RMBP. I was stunned how fast it made the platform jump and how well it was handled when it did. I know things are a bit different now but there’s a little hope (Yes I know you’re talking about Windows versions and not Mac, but still...).
I agree with him, and I voted for Obama twice.
Between Brian Williams’ lies, the cancellation of Hannibal, and Trump on SNL - We’re so done, NBC.
This is the truth. When I was buying my house I was checking out different lenders to see who could give me the best interest rate so I went to three different places. The result of those three checking out my credit score was a 45 point drop. The month later I was moving to TMOBILE because AT&T didn’t have coverage…
You can feel free to dismiss me at any time. It’s an option. Also your trolling is stale.
My point was in the second sentence you apparently skipped over.
You know that neither Apple, nor Google gives a shit about you right? Calling people who buy the product they want is the height of asinine behavior.
Why did you just creep me out as much as the “Look at me” story creeped me out.
It takes either a firmly delusional mind, or a disgustingly sociopathic tendency to translate that Facebook post into a need for further armament.
Yub Nub is my jam. IDGAF.
This is the first time I’ve ever agreed with you on this site. Absofuckingloutely correct.