There Wolf, There Castle

I don’t know why I’m starring this, but God Damn, I’m starring this.

The Shannara Chronicles You will need a different explainer to tell you what that is.

The only thing that was ridiculous about DAII was the reused maps and enemy spawns. Otherwise, it was the best of the three games I’ll totally IRL fite anyone who disagrees... unless they are bigger then me, smarter than me or in my general area.

The fail is strong with this one.

I played on youth soccer teams with names such as the Real Ghostbusters and Warthogs.

Absolutely this. People are viewing this through a modern lens of microagression and offense rather than the way it’s intended.

I always imagined that if you ever bring a woman back to your place and there’s a triple monitor system, it would effectively end the date.

I’m glad you did it. Because if you didn’t, I was going to be ‘that guy’ who had to point it out.

I’m a 39 year old man who unabashedly listens to Lana Del Rey in my office with the door open to our production floor. I’ve never understood the hate. She is fucking fantastic.

You are the kid with the mom and dad that wouldn’t let you fail.

Ridiculously bad taste fuck-up, but at least they followed it up in the right way rather than doubling down- a whole other level of stupid that is frighteningly common these days.

I can make you feel a little better (maybe).

You’re right. What FOX did, their most heinous crime, is giving the worst of America a feeling of: first legitimacy, and then superiority.

I am so sad that I know how many years @) is.

I fucking love ‘The Thin Man’ films. Even the later ones. When I was little I named my cat Asta. (I don’t discriminate against felines.).

Why do I remember that her husband on that show was an airplane pilot? I can’t remember my bank account number, but I can fucking remember that.

If only Gawker Media would actually look at dismissed posts. As it is they barely pay attention to flagged hate speech. They could buy one less executive coffee table and hire someone to do the god damned job.

Pretty much. But you know, when you’re young nothing is ever a straight line. Time and distance clarify how stupid any of us can be.

I never knew this was a tv show I wanted to see.

Because despite never returning my interest, apparently after two years of my dating my (now) wife, she discovered that she “always” did care about me. Life is crazy, I guess.