I still like to believe Brienne is actually good.
I still like to believe Brienne is actually good.
I think it’s pretty obvious that she is going to resurrect John Snow.
There’s a Mod for Dragon Age 2 that lets you kill all mobs with one button. The design of that game is so god awful the way it repeatedly spawns groups of 12 mobs from under the earth for no particular reason that I couldn’t get past an hour of the game.
Oh, wow, yeah, if that’s the case then absolutely- fuck them. I guess, I’m used to the Portland hipster attitude around here so it just kind of rolls off my back at this point and don’t notice it.
I hate to come down on American Apparel’s side on this one, but I’m a super skinny guy and finding clothes to fit me is damn rough. In most stores, a small is a large and a large is XXL on me. Nevermind waists that are listed as 30 but are true 33-34(s). AA is one of the few places that are actually true to size. Now,…
Superman snapping and killing Joker leads him to becoming a murdering tyrant
I like to quote Eddie Izzard when I talk about MoS: That movie had a fantastic premise but all it did was “slowly collapse like a flan in a cupboard”. Talk about disappointment. Killer Supes was the least of my issues with that film.
I tend to overuse the acronym LOL. This is one of those really rare occasions where I did indeed laugh out loud.
Is that why basically the entire EU has pulled it’s support of Blatter’s election and are turning it instead to the Prince of Jordan?
I just want to say- my wife hates action movies. It took a week of me promising after having gone to see it myself- that she would love it and love it she did. I’ve never heard her say that bout anything action-y. So if it won her cold Jane Austin heart over, I think it will do the same for anyone. Enjoy!
That Adrien Grenier Tweet... good to know that he is as out of touch with reality as I imagined him to be.
I always wondered “What good is knowing kung fu if I’m built lake a scarecrow? Like just because I know it now... doesn’t mean I won’t break my arm the first time
That’s a fair question, I know he’s been heavily quoted on this. And you’re right. It’s just driven me crazy watching the firestorm around this given that the movie, had I never known anything about the drama it kicked up- would have absolutely stood on it’s own merits.
All we should be giving a shit about is watching cars crash and explode.
Oh no doubt- after the Rue “Controversy” with Hunger Games, my faith in people’s ability not to be monsters was pretty shaken.
I always assumed I was, or at least the assholes who dropped dogshit in my lunch and called me Nerd for playing dungeons and dragons at lunch lead me to believe it was true.
Can you source this? Because honestly, big budget nerd fests are about the only thing I feel the need to see in the theater anymore.
I don’t want to rock your world but Sam Wilson (Who you recall as Falcon from the MCU) Has picked up the mantle officially on a number of occasions.
I get the ever-helpful “Hey is the system down?”