That jumpsuit is fab. I know nothing about Marvel things.
That jumpsuit is fab. I know nothing about Marvel things.
Am I the only one confused by the ‘this has been going on for years’ statement? Another piece said that she’d been abused for 4 years. They had been having a secret affair for years? The paparazzi fell down on the job.
Had to watch it twice. Her arms were captivating. HOLY CRAP!
Live is a syndicated show. It’s owned by ABC, but doesn’t air only on ABC stations. The time she works would still be 9-10, but ABC stations may air it later.
Any chance she would have been invited to the wedding if she weren’t a part of the prank? There’s something bothersome about the heavy dark black woman being invited to the wedding to play a prank. She may be good natured or saw this as an opportunity to hobnob with A listers. Still, there’s a level of bad taste in…
I keep asking myself if Molly ever thought of asking one of the dozens of pretty blonde friends she has to do this “prank?” By all means have Gabourey in the wedding gown walking down the aisle.
I’m so thrilled that Anita Hill has been vindicated in this whole mess. Even as an 11 year old, I didn’t understand why people would think she’d go to all of this trouble to lie about Clarence Thomas. As for the looks like it could have been edited from a few epis of Scandal. Pretty sure Olivia Pope has…
And he says he’s 40, but he paused before he said it. I’m thinking he lied on his OK Cupid profile and will admit he’s 47 in a future epi.
Of course, the article could have been titled, “Two Beloved Actresses Return to Primetime. . . “
Yet another example of how representation in entertainment is POWERFUL!! This is not only an issue for the women working in entertainment, but also for the girls and teens that are shaped by that media. TV Smarty did a personal and fact filled TedxTalk about it (humble brag!!)
But his wife is just normal looking person. She’s cute, but in a normal sort of way. Just makes me love him even more.
I LOVE Fitz. There’s something so captivating about the way he’s captivated. Also, Tony Goldwyn seems like the nicest guy. I’d like to have him over for cookies and milk.
I thought this film was a sad waste to talent. Andy is so smart, Jon Hamm has the perfect voice, Serena, McEnroe, Chris Evert have good comedic timing. Bits and pieces were funny, but it felt like it was made for teenage boys. Glad it was only 42 minutes.
Exactly, he doesn’t have all of the money he pretends to have. Once he has to release that stuff, we’ll see that he isn’t a great financial mastermind.
She has to say it was consensual, otherwise she’d be a monster too.
University’s rarely fire tenured profs... LSU removed her from the classroom 2 years ago. They knew she couldn’t work with students, but didn’t want to take the BIG step. Teaching is a part of most contracts. Tenure is really freeing, but it doesn’t mean you can be abusive. For me it meant I could be more of myself,…
I think if your goal is to be the head of the NAACP, you have to be black—at least, if she wants to be taken seriously. It sounds like this family is way messed up, but her parents should have come forward sooner. She clearly is a pathological liar or mentally ill (or both). The only way to get her help is to…
Gorgeous cover. Still, OITNB is the most ethnically/racially diverse show around and this just feels so limiting. Yes, the brown people are on Essence...but sigh...
makes morning coffee without being asked
Diversity is pricey ($115!!), but invaluable.