
Transmogrify them.

Was I the only one who got really uncomfortable as we saw the dead-in-real-life woman slowly freeze?

Why would you do Beast Wars in the ‘90s and not pre-history?

You can’t prove a negative.  Which is exactly what these idiots pushing it are relying on.

And why do they care so much if the virus came from a lab if they don’t believe it’s serious, think masks are tyranny, and won’t get vaccinated?

IGN for a good portion of one of it’s streams was just full of dick ascii art.

Also he was probably eating a bunch of protein just to maintain the physique. So I get the whole tired of chewing food angle.

I thought it was supposed to be stupid since Ash is basically a 1970s teenager who never grew up.  It’s kinda just continuing the tradition of shitting all over Ash in every aspect possible.

Uhhhhh, you do realize Valve made Steam Play for this purpose, right?

Wait, we’re ranking M-named metal bands now?  How’s Manowar doing these days?

You’re right, cancel culture is trying to claim D&D will make your kids satanists or that the Dixie Chicks are unAmerican for not supporting Bush.

Shit comparison considering Spanfeller’s the Capital Partners in this.

Him naming his kid that ridiculous way was the ultimate in dumb guy trying really hard to appear smart.

Tbh that second guy he describes doesn’t sound like a “good guy.” He sounds like a raging asshole who loves being technically right.

Nazi punk fuck off.

Not a big fan of NuCap getting his redemption and his whole murdering an unarmed surrendering man swept away. Didn’t feel like he earned it, especially after he went around lying that that man deserved to die since he killed Lemar when it was actually Karli who did the deed.

“Press F to smear your shit on the walls.”

I can’t remember if I saw it at the local theater or the drive-in as a kid, but I do recall being disappointed it felt so short. So thanks for letting me know who to blame for it being so short.

Jefferson Davis should have been executed as a traitor along with the rest of the treasonous governors and senators who went along with it.

Could have dug into the PC version’s code or been in that Discord and just used the search function to find the message that got that guy banned (if it wasn’t deleted).