He BROUGHT his family to a white supremacist rally.
He BROUGHT his family to a white supremacist rally.
Stewart continues to be a weasel happy to dabble in “both sides are bad” to hold himself aloft in a cloud of unearned moral superiority.
And shot by one of their own. Also a thing they keep ignoring until it’ll be impossible to hide anymore. The Vegas shooter was one of their own, too. Weird. It seems like their culture of violence breeds violence. What was it that Malcolm X said when JFK was assassinated? Oh yeah, the chickens have come home to roost.
I do not like that he is being called a hero. There’s conflicting reports of either shielding family, or he died instantly before anyone knew what to do.
Adam Kinzinger is right there. Old School Republican. I don’t like his politics but at least he doesn’t appear to be a fucking psychopath.
Jon Stewart Isn’t Helping should be the name of his show
This is why Stewart’s show is stuck in 2004. He still thinks there’s a way forward in trying to deal with outward fascists. He’s still trying to “both sides” everything when one side wants to literally kill and imprison the other. Having O’Reilly on the show is gross as shit, no one should give him a platform to say…
It’s funny, because that’s one of the reasons these fuckers are so riled up: something happens that they didn’t learn in grade school (and which occurs in a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population), people say “Hey, this exists, just so you’re aware,” and it broke their fucking brains so…
People say Jon and Bill are really different, but all I see is two rich out-of-touch white guys who should have stayed retired.
Same thing Comedy Central gets by having Stewart on at all: Ratings
Giving that asshole any time to talk on TV is a travesty. I know Stewart isn’t a serious man but shit like this is the opposite of helping.
The funny thing about “unity?” That requires a few things:
Yes lets be united with the... *checks notes* president and vice president nominees who have called for violence against democrats, removal of Mexicans, and think trans people should not exist.
I like Jon, but this is par for the course with him. I think he’s a phenomenal critic of the media, but is much worse as a political pundit, especially when he tries to engage in good faith with his bad faith sparring partners from the right. It’s very cringe-worthy, and only gets moreso as the climate continues to…
What is possibly to be gained by having that piece of human filth on Stewart’s show?
Yeah, the main issue at this point with O’Reilly is not that he’s some reasonable opponent who disagrees on policy or even some calculating dickhead who is rallying an easily manipulated base for clicks; it’s that he’s a sexual predator who’s had tens of millions of dollars paid out to settle the complaints against…
This is why I don’t fuck with Stewart, because he feels obligated to give racist assholes like this airtime
Fuck unity. Reap what you sow, asshole.
Stewart explained that the show’s much-publicized Republican National Convention live shows in Milwaukee were canceled due to increased security as a result of the assassination attempt.