
Elizabeth Warren as Face for an A-Team reboot.  Who says no to that?

Them agreeing to this bullshit is a good case for an independent redistricting since politicians obviously can’t be trusted to look out for their constituents in a case that could see them removed from their seat.

Christie sure is looking... orange.

Twitch Plays Report Harassment

There’s a bit of a disconnect here. The author of that tweet was a dog who likes playing with door stoppers.

Now playing

Don’t care, right now I’m a Little Nell out of 10.

Which could be fun until you remember they only constructed P1999 patch-by-patch because it was the only way to get the team to agree on anything.

Loudly announcing you won’t be guarding it was probably not the smartest of moves....

Ivanka is the lie Belle.

Now playing

In Lunar: Silver Star Story’s making of disc there’s a hidden 8-player Breakout game.

Smart enough to retire, but dumb enough to listen to Tom Brady’s quacks.  Oh Gronk....


Where’s the demo disc of the game everybody’s waiting for in the game nobody’s heard of when ya need it?

Can you tell us if they fixed the audio lag from earlier reports?

Cool, so instead of Zelda Maker we got Zelda Rearranger.

I need the small status effect and a teeny tiny Barrett in my life.

Let’s just all agree anyone who prefers Yuffie is unclean.

Oh I didn’t mean to imply everyone in Soldier is a Sephiroth clone. Just that Advent Children had all those dumb Sephi clones doing bike tricks.