Oh god, why do people watch that Calebhart guy? I saw his shit once and it’s just acting like a douche with really bad acting. I assume his viewers are all 12.
Oh god, why do people watch that Calebhart guy? I saw his shit once and it’s just acting like a douche with really bad acting. I assume his viewers are all 12.
Yeah, I remember when Fox News called out CNN as being biased or some shit and the very next day they stopped calling anything out.
(and those three other parts he played)
I’d rather he not die as president. He’d get a state funeral then.
It’s honestly the only reason the fatass is still alive. The marginal exercise of walking to and from the cart and swinging his tub of lard about keeps his arteries from clogging.
Yeah, I mean why don’t we just exterminate them?
The amount of “tHeRe’S nOtHiNg WrOnG wItH sEnDiNg DiCk PiCs To 18 YeAr OlDs” comments I’ve had to dismiss is too damn high. You’re 30 and using your celebrity for sex, it’s fucking creepy at minimum.
Youtuber apology video that leads with an image of them looking pathetic that took three months to finally come out?
That was just broadcasters trying to making Holliday trying not to hurt himself sound like more than self-preservation. Dude was never going over a chest high wall if he went for that.
Does a comparison to Bonds’ rookie year mean anything when he didn’t even have that much power until his age 25 season? Which, incidentally, is Aquino’s age.
Being a mid-year call-up is pretty advantageous to getting a bunch of pitchers having almost no information on you.
Never trust dudes named Chad or with two first names. This guy is both.
I’ve seen bigger.
Didn’t retract it though.
Whatever you do, when A&W is out of root beer do not just go with the diet root beer.
Only 1/3rd of what they made off of OxyContin. So a wildly profitable venture overall.
It’s Oklahoma, I expect his neighborhood to be firebombed from the air by her later.
“Connect with Sarah”
Well, with The Royal coming it does kinda feel like wasted time when something new that’ll contain THE ending is coming.
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue