
There’s things far more scary to the rich fucks funding this fascism than people with guns.

Secede? Nah, petition to join Canada. Let’s see how well the red states last when all the blue states join Canada. $50 says Texas secedes in response rather than try to prop up those welfare queen states.

Shit like this is all the Republican party have to capture any of the youth vote. Everyone else is a soulless monster, except you, because you’re an asshole!

Is Roadhog anything other than something for the other team to power up ultimates on?

Should have put it in his Stevi- I mean bronzer.

Seriously guys, don’t bother trying to flip Bob “Grease my palms if you want it to pass” Corker.  It’s not gonna happen.

That’s their claim to keep forcing Kavanaugh.  They know the Dems didn’t so this shit with Gorsuch, at best they’re lying and at worst they’re projecting.

That header image looks like DJT tried hiding from the Mueller probe in some cabin where people write their manifestos and still got found anyways.

Yeah I’m aware it was The Ox’s drug use that spurred it and then his death pushed them to do one last album and it was... okay. Pete clearly got stuck in the ‘80s at some point judging by it.

The Who had a lot of farewell tours... and they meant ‘em too, but it’s easy to blow money on drugs.

Sources close to the White House legal operation complained that even if they did want to rush through a new nominee, they couldn’t be sure any male nominee wouldn’t have what one called a “Kavanaugh problem.”

I’m pretty sure that’s the point. GOP is the party of fear so they manufacture things to fear.

The best part is it looks like he reaches for more yards.

Democrats fall in love... Republicans fall in line.... Oh my god he’s still a Democrat! DEEP STATE PLANT! DEEP STATE PLANT!

He was a Republican operative who spent years trying to find dirt on the Clintons.  Don’t pretend his service was for the public.

The only other method I can think of besides Donald’s is just rotate a little as you go down and both you and the QB land on your shoulders.

Can we talk about just how uninspiring that card art is?

Agreed about HS being appropriate to start, but baby steps and all.

I feel like any college sports recruit should at least get a very basic stress test on their ol’ ticker.

McConnell could have said, “Fuck you, I don’t need the committee vote” and pushed it to the floor anyways.