
They voted to take him out of committee and Grassley said it was just a gentlemen’s agreement and adjourned the committee.

*throws flag*

I still can’t believe that they didn’t make Supergirl a continuation of Lois and Clark. I guess CWU or however you refer to that wanted a younger Superman.

All I want is a Batman Beyond movie with Michael Keaton as an aged Batman.

Well, that possum does have experience in the pocket.

Oh I’m sure plenty believe her.

When Ted Cruz dies those yard signs will come in handy to make sure he wasn’t a vampire.

Yeah, I feel like I should watch it, but I also feel like my skin’s gonna crawl non-stop and I’m gonna wind up wanting to throw someone through a wall.

He prefers to go by his cocaine hockey name: SnowFlame.

“Oh, uh, yeah, it might have been us that tried to rape her. Did our check clear? Yeah?! Oh, it was totally us!”

If enough people try following this and do an hour long cryotherapy we can finally start Dead Blogger of the Week.

Paramedics were called to the home and Everson agreed to go to the hospital. However, on the way to the hospital, he “got up and jumped out of the ambulance because he was in fear that someone was going to shoot him.”

Sunk cost fallacy.

He further added, “All you gotta do is have your daddy build a new wing to the engineering department and you get your degree.  It takes a lot of concentration to not fuck up a free ride like that.  I had to drug all my co-eds off campus to not screw anything up.”

There’s a bunch and it’s way more than three.

Don’t forget Hatshepsut, Sobekneferu, Twosret, etc. Cleopatra wasn’t some one-off in Egypt.

Oh he’s gonna get fucked up for doing it at some point, I’m just impressed by that distance.  Also a good reminder to keep your damn head up when tackling.

Allen gained an extra 6 yards in the air (well technically 5, but the fall added a 6th).  I’m honestly rather appreciative of just how much ground he covered up there.

I’mma have my own Turkey Day marathon!