
To dedicate this new development Peter in an upcoming DLC will dump Mary Jane Watson for her younger sister Pot Joke Watson.

Here’s to the Steelers getting blown the fuck out to increase Bell’s value to them.

I once got called out by the ump for not sliding into home. Coincidentally against the “best” team in the league.

We’re gonna sack Rodgers on a key fourth down at the end of the game and get called for not coddling the QB to the ground.  Mark my words.

Even Shields was starting to look like not hot-ass.

Like we fucking need him to say shit.  He’s already said why he did it on TV.

Ask a Mets fan.  Hah.

Look at that, voters decided.  Now that guy with a stick up his ass can stop complaining she doesn’t understand the area.

Why are guys named Chase always raging douchebags?

I’m just disappointed by how it gets the most anti-climactic use in cinema history.  Damn shoddy ‘80s fantasy budgets.

I’m not endorsing the idea, but if a serial killer were to just keep him in his basement fungeon (fun + dungeon!) for like a decade I wouldn’t exactly complain.

That’s odd since Japan has a history of making games easier for us.

And the Glaive gets used all of once to destroy a wall and then get stuck in a giant space alien who is then defeated by projectile burning chlamydia (I’m reading between the lines about what love gives you).

Honestly, surprised nobody is trying to adapt any Dungeons and Dragons.

Throwing shackles on sneakers is... I just....

When I bought the first ZOE I beat that in like 4 hours on normal then immediately beat it on hard in 3.

Don’t forget the political goal!