Don’t forget the stripping of their right to vote.
Don’t forget the stripping of their right to vote.
The problem being the handcuffing and 11 hour detention.
Thank god ICE is here to protect us from nerd artists. They might have drawn a sword on someone.
Heroes of Might and Magic on the PS2. It was just King’s Bounty remade 3D with ATROCIOUS load times and infuriatingly slow animations. Dropped that shit fast.
He kinds looks like the host from Wild Chicago.
At least Genisys was better than Terminator 3. Now shaving his head and leaving Doctor Who for what amounts to a fucking cameo? Oof, bad decision.
I’d put decent odds on a Snoke flashback since J.J. has to be pissed he got almost 0 characterization before being offed.
I petition we refer to Elon from now on as The Pedo Guy.
Man, I read that as invention. So guess I need an intervention to get some sleep.
I guess Trump is trying to get that attention too what with all that McDonald’s he eats.
Gen Con predates Comic-Con by 2 years. So I still don’t get why they get ownership of a fucking description of what the fucking event is. They certainly have no ownership of “Con.”
Meanwhilst Trump:
Is nobody gonna point out that her Twitter username is Laura88Lee?
The Trump Administration card game will one day supplant Cards Against Humanity for those who want to make their grandma blush at family gatherings.
We get it, you steal campaign funds.
He won’t even acknowledge it. He’ll go on about that Iowa girl and the arrested illegal immigrant.
He never smiles and he didn’t remotely get the contract he wanted.
Wonder if that ex-IGN editor guy started this way and just got in over his head with the con.
While I question relocating from the steaming pile that is Oklahoma to Texas, at least it’s Houston.
Both sides are writing speeches for the white nationalists who really hate liberals! Clearly liberals would be writing speeches for these people too, people!