She has a portrait of herself in a closet that gets fairer as she becomes more leathery.
She has a portrait of herself in a closet that gets fairer as she becomes more leathery.
1% chromosomal difference
I have a bad feeling this case’ll have a hung jury due to a hardcore Trumpet.
Of course Take 2 invests in lawyers rather than an anti-cheat.
Complementary. They complement each other’s assholeness to create greater assholery.
If he doesn’t always plagiarize it’s probably cause this asshole either A.) Didn’t like the game so looked for someone else’s review to copy or B.) Ran up to the deadline without having touched it much so stole one to make deadline.
Those are some expensive as fuck key caps.
How the fuck is John Bolton an adult in the room.
This bit made me embarrassed for everyone involved.
I’m pissed I never got to see a giant sloth walk the earth.
She had cancer? No, she is cancer.
“Take that, libtards!”
I can’t tell if this post is relevant or irrelevant to the article.
We shouldn’t rush in to judge Jill Stein.
I’ll take a basic faithful cover over a horrendous cover that butchers the song any day.
Well, some of them do.
Knowing my parents, they give to their church... which then spends $15 million on a new church.
Why is it that shirt looks like the Donkey is gonna easily beat the shit out of the Elephant?