“...for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
“...for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
Considering previous campaigns to fire her, she was probably just tired of criticism in general.
These guys always come off like they’d say “the female” like a fucking Ferengi. Who the fuck talks like that except socially repulsive assholes?
You know, the visual aesthetic of this game would be perfect for Final Fantasy Tactics 2.
And why the fuck didn’t we get a Deadspin companion piece of 500 Days of Jay?
That’s disappointing that they not only got lazy about integrating the characters into each other’s stories, but pretty much copy-pasted the bosses. If combat is the biggest saving grace, finding out bosses are somewhat cookie cutter doesn’t exactly inspire me to pick it up beyond the clearance bin.
And then the PSP release turned her portrait into a baby-faced 13 year-old and made the romance aspects awkward.
I feel liks this “Re-Mars-ter” is testing the waters for a RF:Guerrilla 2.
Since others have said Lunar and Suikoden... how ‘bout Wild Arms? Just kinda disappeared after the PS2 era ended.
Dex honestly looked depressed by the people he was surrounded with in 2017. If you ditched Matheny and his bullshit I’d bet Dex would improve.
There’s actually justification for retaining Urlacher: He ran the defense. The GM stupidly catered to the old defense and had his new DC run Lovie’s old shit. So who got tapped to run it? Briggs who couldn’t give a shit to learn the play calling. So the offense actually did pretty well while the defense looked…
They boo’d him before that. This is really just their comeuppance for riding his ass for any failings the first year.
What? A bunch of cops come along with guns and he doesn’t get to shoot ‘cause he’s afraid? Cop gets to kill some unarmed kid and it’s okay cause he “feared for his life.”
Are we sure his mother wasn’t charged with DUI? About... 50 years ago by the looks of it?
$5 says a bunch of those on the subreddit are first time (or 2nd time) posters. Just GamerGaters brigading as usual. They organize for this shit on Discord generally.
Dear god that is the dumbest, whitest set of names I’ve ever seen.
At least we can always call on Godzilla to deal with that.
Just think, this man hates immigrants so viciously just because everybody else has a cooler name than Tucker.
Good thing it didn’t rain during your fireworks show or you would have drowned looking up at them with your mouth open.