
Let’s take BioWare who does great single player RPG experiences... and handcuff them with a me-too multiplayer loot pinata game.

Oh good, they’ve mastered the Destiny esoteric dialogue.

It’s like getting eliminated last year by a Cubs team that slept it’s way into the postseason was a harbinger of things to come.

Gronk’s disappointed he wasn’t 69 rated.

These hackers should just keep sending messages like this. “Free GTAO bucks at!” etc. Just be as disruptive as possible *to Rockstar* so Rockstar is forced to fucking do something about all the hackers.

Now playing

He can change his name all he likes, but that’s fucking Snowball.

This isn’t a bug to the right-wing. It’s a feature.

Do those people exist?  ‘Cause I’m pretty sure they’re like 90% Russians.

Polish didn’t fight the Nazis with cavalry regiments (and they had the best anti-tank gun). Your history sucks.

We need somebody who’s around mid-20s who spent their teens playing MOBAs. They’ll shit talk him into an aneurysm.

I love that Rizzo snuck that tag under Puig’s foot.

Great, now he has a platform I want to support. Dude wants to kill Snarf and I’m 100% behind that.

Right-wingers make up random bullshit that sounds horrible:

Knowing how right-wingers love doing everything they can to make anyone not Faux News look bad I wouldn’t even be surprised if some Trumpy employee whipped that up. There is zero reason that a graphic with manslaughter should be there since no such charges against Manafort were filed.

Going for that Ocarina of Time aesthetic. Makes sense.

I swear what these assholes want is some pissed off father looking for their kids to kill one of their goosestepping lackeys. Then they can crack down even harder and their supporters will be even more rabid.

I would have thrown in a, “You’re not even a real agency!”

Two weeks notice so they can bus away all the abused kids and the ones who speak english. Then bus ‘em back when the scrutiny is gone.

Header image is Middle East Midgar.