
Just like how her parents couldn’t decide between Kristen or Jennifer, Kristjen couldn’t decide between being a feckless cunt or being a perverse cunt.

If he’s worried about diseases he should probably stop letting Trump fuck him in the ass.

If he says it’s Sah-bee-n he watches too much Top Gear.

Maybe they didn’t want him to feel Singled Out.

When you’re so racist you’re not even white enough for yourself so you slather on the whitest foundation.

His new lawyer?

Taking away the right to vote for ANY reason is bullshit and Texas should be ashamed.

Venus flytraps are native to the Carolinas?

He’s just a fan of KOTOR genderswapping. So Bastila becomes Basta.

They’re also suuuuuuuuper fucking racist so this fits pretty nicely.

Those FF7 Remake rumors sure seem true after SE can’t even bother showing anything yet.

We’re so completely fucked.

Somebody should put Zork on Alexa.

Did Tom Hanks dig up your basement or something?

Hell is real, it’s called the south.

Musing to myself how the NBA Finals used to be way more watchable I forgot about the the ‘98 Finals where the Bulls destroyed the Jazz 96 to 54 in game 3... and that series STILL went to 6 games with every other game decided by 5 or less!

Bernie Kosar and his porn star daughter.

Anything to keep them from making more sequels.

Yeah, go with Donald Glover. At the very least it’ll piss off racist “purists” so the film will have some sort of redeeming quality.