
What it comes down to is you’re NEVER supposed to drive into standing water like that. You don’t know if the flooding washed away the road or anything.

I’m kinda clued in by the fence to the right.

Meanwhilst, Daybreak realizes they shot themselves in the dick not addressing issues faster.

When will Ohio address their terrorist problem?

Considering Ticketmaster IS the scalpers this is some fucking bullshit.

Yeah, that ruling of a hit was horseshit. It was a completely misplayed ball.

You know, this sounds like a job for the Mythbusters:

It was Divine intervention!

Like when they go to high five during free throws and nobody is offering up high fives.

The only thing looming is her inevitable racist rant on Twitter.

Ah Final Fantasy 7. Nintendo Power and their rumor mongering convinced me it was comign to N64 so I saved up for an N64, then like 6 months later it’s a PlayStation exclusive. So I saved up my hard-earned cash for a used PlayStation and used FF7.

FuSoYa turns into a beard pile!

I’ve always interpreted it as taking out some frustrations on her, but mostly trying to hide his feelings about her.

Does no one understand you’re playing eco terrorists? You’re not exactly upstanding people at the start of the game.

Man, Deadspin is still salty over that WS win.

Here’s another reason why the Dems don’t need the Democrats-in-name-only. They’ll turn when it’s convenient to them.

That’s just like your opinion, man.

There’s money in MMA though for individuals. NFL teams consist of 50+ players and the lowest paid players, which there are many, don’t get a lot.

“It’s just beta, it’ll be better on release!”

His hair had that Pantene Pro-Soccer look.