Reading is FUNdamental, so is watching the whole video so you understand the title.
Reading is FUNdamental, so is watching the whole video so you understand the title.
Anyone with a brain could have seen Noah’s lanky legs were fucked and Rose, without the ability to move with alacrity in the paint anymore, was damn near worthless now.
Someone recapped Game 4 of the Cubs-Giants NLDS to Cory Gearrin, then immediately took his photo
I just have this image of my head of Bill Paxton about to go into surgery using that doofy bravado he perfected into reassuring his loved ones he’ll be fine.
We all knew this was going to happen as soon as AMazon bought Twitch. Big corporation like that wants to maximize revenue since the shareholders are cocks.
Does anyone remember Star Wars Galaxies with it’s robust macro system every newbie yard was covered with people spinning as a target/fire macro played out?
Can you tell Shirtless Mike to put a shirt on? Or at least lift some weights to warrant it.
Looks like he shot that shit back corner he was so afraid of pinging it himself.
He’s legally obligated to take that salary. It’s illegal to refuse it. So I wanna see what happens if he ACTUALLY refuses it.
You were a shitty Simpsons plot that was the signal the show’s quality was going downhill. I don’t need to wait for you to die to tell you that.
Honda, this should have been you.
Until the console is figured out and then it’s more rampant than on PC since most games didn’t bother with any anti-cheat measures.
Still pissed at the refs for not calling Rondo’s foul on Brad Miller flagrant.
Probably because they had to fund 75 years worth of retirements in 10 years. Extreme cost cutting had to happen because of that.
Portal getting it’s ending changed is one of the trippier things a company has done. If HL2 Ep. 2 ever gets it’s ending changed people are gonna freak since it means HL3 is imminent.
GTA Online has old code from the PS3/360 for the driving AI that was supposed to wreck you before you got too fast for the PS3/360 to handle (pop-in looks bad, right?). I’d wager that code got messed up even worse lately if they’re going for stationary cars.
Best part is it’s P2P so whoever is host will wreck everyone else’s shit.
Too bad the gameplay itself is shit. So you can only block while in guard stance, right? Well, if your opponent disengages and runs away and you give chase they can double-back and attack you before you can re-engage guard mode and block.
Here’s the thing. The GOP in all likelihood gets everyone to tow the line through blackmail. Russia has the RNC server’s contents so Russia has information on the RNC’s blackmail to blackmail them with.
I don’t mind other guys b-balling with my girl
That’s fine, I know them all pretty well