
That... really defeats the purpose of fantasy football. You’re supposed to have fun figuring out who you think will have a breakout game. Hell, I used to play D.J. Moore, an undersized Bears cornerback, pretty much everytime he managed at least an int. Making it where you can sub in, and have to pay to do that...

That is one awkward fucking run.

I do, and I send you away.

It’s almost as if Brian Hoyer and Dowell Loggains aren’t NFL material or something.

They also cite a lack of back-end payment for jobs such as residual payments.

I assume these are the people who forced the Pledge of Allegiance in schools.

I did this, technically. For women AND men. Shit sucks when your MMO is dying so newbies get ALL THE GEAR! Quicker they can reach the levels where the rest of the player base are the more likely they stick around.

That sign sure does seem pretty threatening....

Hammel isn’t even on the bench. However, he gave the team a 3.74 ERA performance in 166.2 innings for the year (which is actually much lower if you exclude the implosion he did at the end of the year with elbow issues).

Bingo, but let’s go even more opposite. For $26 million the Cubs have a guy like Jason Hammel who can get you there, and a guy like Lackey who has proven he can win there.

Are we going to eventually see teams shy away from dumping tons of money on the Kershaws and Prices and instead open the coffers for the guys who seem to reach another level in the postseason? The baseball season itself is rather pressure-less overall. It just seems some guys crack under postseason pressure or get in

It’s weird to me that block building sandbox games has become a sub-genre.

Jesus Christ the salt from that post has given me chronic high blood pressure.

The Giants started the season as the best team in baseball

Thing is leaking across space and time.

And none of them could play any position with ease.

Oh dear. Never shittalk before it’s over, children.

It’s nice to see Bill looks all there as opposed to a few months ago when he looked like he had dementia or was stoned out of his mind.

How the hell does anyone recognize such plain clothing on TV? I’d understand if it was outlandish runway-type clothing, but that?