Can everyone stop sucking this guy’s cock already?
Can everyone stop sucking this guy’s cock already?
They didn’t need the Cardinals to distract them from that.
Just wait for DX12 games. It’s gonna murder the Titan X and 980 Ti.
They’re just doing what the Cardinals can’t and covering up that MLB weather balloon that fell before the game.
Dragon’s Dogma says bye.
Good luck getting out of the Rebel base to even fire it off in phase 2.
I hope Aramis remembered to buy his ticket home early again this year.
President Arrfield don’t give a fuck.
Can OpenGL please replace DirectX already? I’m kinda done with MS owning too much of what makes games tick.
As an aside, Fuck the Packers!
I’ve heard there’s two bags. One bag is used for transportation and is disposed of when the kit is tested. It’s SUPPOSED to be specially disposed of, but it looks like someone dug through the trash to find it.
I will never judge someone who wants to use a guide for Wizardry 4. NEVER.
“Steve Carrell is very sweet and funny here, but it’s really the many excellent side characters that elevate this movie.”
And she’s only called Tina in Japan because it sounds exotic to them. So giving her an unusual name to English-speaking ears IS EXACTLY THE FUCKING POINT.
Weird, I saw nothing fly out the win- oh... ohhhhhhh.