
So if you wear an article of clothing that says “MAGA” you’re a Nazi? You do realize that the Nazi’s committed mass genocide and started a full scale world war right? Not just won an election while being very unpopular to half the nation. The teacher may have a different opinion than the student but it’s not hate

The majority of people negatively impacted by repealing DACA are illegal immigrants. The fact that a large number of illegal immigrants are from Mexico, doesn’t mean they are being targeted simply because they are from Mexico. Correlation doesn’t prove causation. Murder rates increase in direct relation to ice cream

If Harvey is being truthful, and he has been able to meet with Carson and start working on positive initiatives with HUD, isn’t a good thing he took the meeting? Realistically, shouldn’t more prominent people meet with Trump if possible and continually push him to help improve inner city and struggling communities?

Technically if someone is here illegally they have committed a crime. There are a lot of bad people crossing our southern border; along with a lot of drugs. I believe that is who Trump was referring to in those comments. Does that mean some of the people aren’t good people looking for a better life? No. Does it mean

What law? Repealing DACA? Congress makes law. I haven’t seen a connection between the research you are citing and legislation passed in congress, if you can point me in the right direction as to where you found this info I’m certainly willing to consider it.

Then I suppose the progressive income tax is racist against Asians. I would argue repealing DACA is designed to impact illegal immigrants. The fact that most illegal immigrants are from Mexico means they will be impacted the most, but doesn’t mean the action is targeting illegal immigrants because they are largely

I don’t see how rolling back an executive order that doesn’t specify race, is racist. Also, if we want DACA to remain in place then congress needs to pass a law mirroring it; that way we have some stability to our immigration system. GIFs are cool too though, my 7 year old nephew sends them to me all the time! :)

Thank you ;)

Really? I think the intent is to try and restore credibility to our immigration laws, and hopefully force congress to do it’s job. If the law said we were going to treat people with brown skin different, then I’d agree it’s racist.

For a law to be racist by definition it has to differentiate based on race. He used a broad brush to paint illegal immigrants as people who have broken the law; which is technically true. Also, didn’t you just paint entire states with a broad brush? Isn’t it better to have congress do it’s job and pass laws that we

Slippery slope, Republicans could use the same logic with Trump. We have a system of checks and balances for a reason. No President should be allowed too much power, regardless of party affiliation. It’s intellectually dishonest to say otherwise.

How is a wall racist? If a wall is built, will we stop allowing non-white applicants to legally immigrate into the country?

So Trump is comparable to Hilter? If so, what policies has he proposed or endorsed that align with Hilter’s philosophy and actions?

What are the limitations and how do they apply to this case?

Would you try to discipline a student for wearing a “MAGA” shirt?

What is the agenda of “Make America Great Again”? What are the policy proposals that support this agenda?

How were her actions “good”?

“American Hilter” is a serious accusation. What policies has Trump proposed that make him comparable with Hitler? (Remember, Hitler oversaw one of the most egregious propaganda campaigns and genocidal initiatives in history).

What policies have been passed in the last 8 months that you perceive to indicate middle america’s desire to “burn the whole thing down, f*ck the consequences”?

What has Trump or other lawmakers supporting this legislation said that supports the premise that “anything that isn’t white is not deemed human”?