
So someone’s mother being physically off limits to a black man is comparable to a word being off limits to a white person? It’s impossible to take someone seriously when they make such an asinine comparison.

I was wondering the same thing. I’ve read where cops have accidentally pulled their gun instead of a taser, but if he shot multiple times that kind of goes out of the window. The standards for being a police officer need to be reviewed.

Using naughty words makes you sound super tough!

The child, and his family, have a right to be upset. This the USA, we are free to make our own choices, and if the young man wishes to sit during the pledge he has the right to do so.

Translation: “I can’t handle anyone who disagrees with me so I must insult them to avoid any examination of my opinions/biases.”

It’s irrelevant, which was the point of my post, they don’t have to be using the company’s platform.

So they are being consistent in warning Hill, as they did Schilling. ESPN gets to decide what they deem acceptable and unacceptable, they have the right to fire or reprimand employees that they feel are damaging the ESPN brand or business.

So by giving Hill a warning, they are being consistent right? Treating her the same as Schilling, so there shouldn’t be a big controversy.

So by not firing Hill, but giving her a warning, ESPN is being consistent. You have every right to support her, just as she has every right to speak her mind; ESPN also has the right to take action to protect their brand and business.

Your first statement is your opinion, not a “mathematical” certainty. Right or not, ESPN has a history of reprimanding employees who say controversial things on social media that ESPN views as bad for business or possibly damaging it’s brand.

ESPN has a history of reprimanding employees for expressing views on social media that they believe could be damaging to their brand. The point is, if they punished others before, it’s hard to claim they are silencing Hill for some nefarious racist reason.

So he wants to hire foreign workers... legally.... what’s the problem? The legislation issues you raised deal with ILLEGAL immigration. Why is the word “illegal” left out of almost every article on this site? It’s a very important distinction. Also, your assertion that nobody wants a wall seems a little off base

Curt Schilling was fired by ESPN for comments on social media regarding his political views, as was Hank Williams Jr..

The CAN always have their opinion, sometimes it will get them in trouble with their employer, and sometimes it won’t.

ESPN generally leans left on political issues. They fired Curt Schilling for posting his political opinions on social media. It could be argued they are taking it easier on Hill than they have others in the past.

ESPN can terminate an employee if they feel the employee is damaging their brand. They did it with Curt Schilling. Hill has the right to say whatever she wants on Facebook or Twitter, and ESPN has the right to decide if anything she says contradicts their branding strategy and/or affects their business to a degree

The forum doesn’t protect the employee from consequences imposed by their employer. ESPN is out first and foremost to protect it’s brand. Curt Schilling is a good example, he was fired for making political commentary on social media.

Didn’t ESPN fire Curt Schilling for making political/social commentary on social media? I think they fired Hank Williams Jr. for making a comparison about Obama and Hitler (when Obama played golf with Boehner) too. So here’s two white men fired for, especially in Schilling’s case, expressing their opinion. Maybe

I think that’s a pretty reasonable solution to most of the statue crisis’ we are reading about, especially in regards to the confederate statues. If it’s about history, let’s put it in a museum where it belongs.

I never understand how people claim to believe in the free market, then turn around and support subsidies. It’s market manipulation, and it also creates massive opportunity for corruption to flourish.