Why is it that any dissenting opinion from the article is never moved past “pending”? Is it intellectually honest to try and silence differing perspectives? Seems very mentally week and regressive.
Why is it that any dissenting opinion from the article is never moved past “pending”? Is it intellectually honest to try and silence differing perspectives? Seems very mentally week and regressive.
Is DACA or it’s proposed repeal only applicable for brown people? or would the law apply equally to people of any skin color?
The law isn’t race specific; a white person under DACA would be impacted the same as a black person. So how is it racist?
“Also, how can a country founded by ... forget it, I can’t do this today.”
What about all the Latinos who voted for him?
Big Mike Pence fan?
Eric Trump is generally a polished and intelligent speaker. He typically comes off well in interviews. Someone having a differing opinion doesn’t automatically make them childish or dumb. I didn’t always agree with President Obama, but to deny he was a great speaker and intelligent person would make me look biased to…
“I think the president might be the worst person in the world” - Wow, really? Worse than child molesters? Worse that terrorists who kill those with dissenting opinions? Worse than other world leaders that keep their people in brutal poverty and oppress women? Get real.
The middle east is the region of western Asian and also includes Egypt. The biblical Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which is just south of Jerusalem; meaning Jesus would have likely looked similar to a modern day Iranian, Iraqi, Saudi, or possibly Turkish person. Jesus wasn’t black, at least not in the descriptive sense…