
Democratically elected??? There was a coup d’etat in Ukraine! Yanokocivch was the democratically elected leader, but because he was close to Putin, he was tossed out. There are no clean hands here.

Nobody said war with Russia would be good. Terrel said SURRENDAR to Russia would be bad.

Lets see some examples of people saying a war (actual war, not just standing up to Putin) with Russia would actually be good.

Maybe I’m not understanding your comment. But, you do see the hypocrisy in them using private email accounts right?

Have to say that as an overseas voter, with many ties to our elections back home, articles like this are extremely good for our reputation abroad, by reassuring others around the world that we’re not all Trump-voting racist sexist assholes.

At this point, I’m sure Volkswagen is grateful that more people didn’t see the value in the cars they will be buying back shortly. And those short sighted Americans who passed on them, are glad they avoided those long term problems.

‘Suicide Squad Sets Box Office Record Because We Don’t Deserve Better Movies’

Yeah the limited use of the proton packs lets them have more impact when they are used. You see them to bust a ghost early on, so your brain fills in the gaps during the montage. Making use of limited special effects that ends up being more effective than overusing them.

Yeah... I never once thought that, so I guess this movie isn’t for me.

Can we all agree now the 2014 Godzilla reboot was not a good movie? No, it wasn’t quite the disaster of the Emmerich movie, but at least that movie was entertaining in its awfulness. The last Godzilla was just boring — I nearly fell asleep in the theater. (My favorite factoid: Godzilla is only in the movie for 8

There is literally a tweet from RICHARD HAMMOND saying the show is a GRAND TOUR.

But you take Grand Tourers on a Grand Tour... I don’t see what’s so hard about this.

Purple satin future or gtfo.

That’s largely due to the fact that everybody, including the media, has taken this story and run with it. “LOL Stupid archeologists couldn’t figure out what a kid in Canada did!”

They have every right to shut this down, and they’re not being rude, they’re being factual and academic. This entire story has been riding on

I guess this was my first question after hearing the story: I thought you built cities on a sustainable location where it can survive not wherever a god damn star constellation tells you......

It’s pseudo-science and the only reason it was covered at all was because he was kid. The experts are pointing out that they aren’t idiots that never thought to connect Mayan cities up with the stars. Most of the criticism is directed at the media, who is largely scientifically ignorant, and ran with something that

Yeah, exactly on to the next misinforming story that will be consumed by social media. People like feel good shit so much that the media generates this stuff intentionally, all while knowing it’s inaccurate.

Boom, headshot. Next story.

his parents are murdered committed suicide while walking out of a showing of Batman v. Superman

Considering the proximity of the supposed site to el Mirador and Calakmul, due diligence has likely been done by local archaeologists.