
Here’s the the thing. This is just an open invitation for a person in a vehicle who doesn’t agree with said protestors to come and run them down, with zero responsibility.

You are wrong. Simply and categorically wrong.

Nearly a decade and still no real competitor to the Model S.. at any price given how expensive this car is in the top-trim...

So which testing method do Teslas employ? What about the Kia Soul EV, which has a 20% greater EPA range than the Taycan at 20% of the cost?

Counterpoint: Live next to some douche that rides a Harley, or drives a Civic with a fart can, or has some unnecessarily douchey noise machine that serves no purpose other than to be a mega-douche. I’m all for fun and stuff, but don’t externalize your petty needs onto everyone else.

Yeah, I’m afraid our Kinjaverse blogging pals have pulled another fast one on us with an Apple ad disguised as a post like a couple of weeks ago.

Sure, they sold eight but being street legal in most advanced nations is another question. The concept one was never issued an european certificate of conformity.

So Rimac made a new car... did they actually sold the first one ? Like, produced and sold a single one to a real customer who can legally drive it on the street ?

Meh, give me the Tesla Roadster

It will also have Level 4 autonomy

On street-legal tires?

“Rimac also announced that in case of a crash, the battery pack in the Concept Two will now only spontaneously catch fire for 3 days, down from 5 days in the previous model.”

Hmm, 2,000 hp electric motors and current battery tech? Either Rimac will be quoting range in feet or they plan on including the world’s longest extension cord.

“no driver attention is ever required for safety, i.e. the driver may safely go to sleep or leave the driver’s seat” (level 4, from Wikipedia’s article)

Please. A huge percentage of that list is vague (i.e. “Worked to increase defense spending”) or highly debatable (i.e. withdrawing from Paris Climate Accords) or not an accomplishment at all (i.e. the last three bullets where traveling is apparently a major accomplishment). And the list of things he’s made worse

Advocate for seizing guns without due process? That’s a pretty significant Trump proposal.

“Two of the funniest actresses in the world”

Casey Neistat owned a Juicero, if that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know about him, I don’t know what will.

In a perfect world, your site would advertise something to me that I would be interested in, in an entertaining and informative way. I should WANT to see the ads because they would benefit me.

In reality, ads exploit the viewer. They are boring, annoying or misleading. Many intend to hijack your nature and worm their

It appears everyone is zeroing in on the issue I detected in the first episode, the abandonment of the ethical high ground that the Federation has always maintained.