
Better drivers? yeah thats not gonna happen

I’m not a huge Trek fan nor a purist, but that jacket Pine is wearing is bothering me. It doesn’t feel Star Trek to me, but more SeaQuest (what I remember from SeaQuest anyway). It’s too “Navy” for my tastes. The rest of the uniforms are fine though.

I.... like it... maybe more then i should. I think it looks really good.

Jesus christ it doesn’t just look like a Passat, it has the same goddamn front end with that tapered flat front and stupid rectangular grill set slightly lower and pulled forwards from the headlights.

Make James May aware of the car. He drove one on Old Fart Top Gear and I bet he’d snap it up.

rich people rich people problems.... if you cant park yourself use you pile of moeny to hire a chauffeur.....

White folk see them as white. Asian folk see them as Asian. We project our sense of default personhood.

If I want to watch unattractive and uncomfortable people talk about cars I’ll watch the Jalopnik channel. That was awful!

That’s too bad. I think it would make for a much more interesting story than just “two people wake up on a spaceship, fall in love, and have some zany, dangerous adventures together”.

If I am not working 7 days a week, I get Sundays off. For some reason, an over-reaching gov’t sees fit to determine that Jesus said I can’t buy a car on Sundays. I literally had to take PTO days to shop for a “dealership” because I already know what I want from a car.

What I want is to purchase a car online and have

That’s when I stopped watching the damn thing, when Tory, Grant and Kari got the axe.

The answer to your questions are:

Launching an automotive startup in an ex-Soviet Bloc country

I’ll just go ahead and say it... It’s way uglier than the Miata.

Alien Nation is a show that I remember fondly from my childhood that I wish there would have been more of. Also, +1 for knowing about Robot Jox. Crash and Burn!

Let me guess: you’re a Trump supporter. They seem to be fond of the view that unless you are a bona fide US citizen, you aren’t worth anything.


They would need to have a reasonable expectation of privacy for that to apply. You can record conversations between 2 people in a public or semi-public place with no issue if there is not “an objectively reasonable expectation that no one is listening in or overhearing the conversation”. The car did not belong to

I was walking down Vine in Hollywood, on my way to Trader Joe’s after a long sweaty day working at a DV shelter in the Valley. I had to wear a back brace because I have scoliosis that was never addressed because I only had insurance on and off as a child. I was painfully aware of how horrible I looked, in pain,