
Yeah, the two big problems at the start of the ad are 1) The woman doesn’t appear to need to get into shape, and 2) We’re left with the impression that the bike is an unsolicited gift from her husband, not something she asked for. Both of those things could have been easily cleared up with just a few words: “Ever

I didn’t remember his face the second after the ad ran

Yea, for those who missed the trailer or didn’t find out the info, here’s what’s coming:

“You pedal, but you go nowhere. You are trapped in a state of perpetual flight from which there is no escape. It is truly the most vicious cycle.”

This just needs to have an edit with Werner Herzog narrating the ad to make the journey complete.

Or just get a stationary bike and watch the Doctor Who serial “The Curse of Peladon,” one of the best third doctor stories! 

Everyone once in a while I’ll read an article about Remini and her anti-Scientology campaign and I’ll catch myself thinking “move on from this already,” but then I remember that the people behind Scientology are fucking evil and ruin peoples’ lives and I think - actually Leah, continue to fuck their shit up and don’t

Beck serving these let me in Carol Anne looks.

I’ll give you that the game is basically Tomb Raider and Uncharted gameplay with a Star Wars skin, but the game so far is beautiful and unquestionably Star Wars. There’s a lot of exploration in each area despite the “linear” level progression. That’s the way the game is built. I don’t know why linear is such a

Lies. It did add something. A damn good star wars game. When the hell was the last one of those out? 2005 KOTOR 2? And who says every game has to revolutionize or create a genre? There are plenty of good ideas out there that have yet to be combined in a really good way.

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

Reads title: Get’s ready to get all fired up

The whole “he’s a teenager and they do stupid things” excuse should not hold an ounce of merit.

Who knew the key to reaching across the aisle was Hearthstone?

LMAO You know you fucked up when Congress actually does something about it.

While I think this is something that needs milking, and that Blizzard who tried to make an example of a person to itself be made example of.... I actually think your dare is a good dare.

If you’re going to reputation grind, the first full week of the month is when the Darkmoon Faire arrives. Riding on its Merry-go-round gives you a 10% reputation buff for an hour (you have to wait for like 20-30 seconds for the buff to reach 60 minutes).

I wonder how many new players have seen some of the allied races and say “Hey, those look cool... wait, why can I not choose those races when I create a new character?”

The best I can work out:

630! The center ended up sending him straight to the ER the whole first day. They also said his thyroid levels were “numbers we’ve never seen before” because he hadn’t been taking that medication either.