
Yeah, where are all the incredible, mind blowing Ghost type Pokemon designs like we had in The Good Old Days™?

A lot of celebrities who are busted for sexual misconduct think they can get their fat out of the fryer in exchange for a paying a poultry settlement, but sooner or later the chickens will come home to roost. Might as well just admit responsibility and take your turn on the chopping block. 

I was in early beta (back when NE Hunters couldn’t use a gun, and we didn’t even have a talent tree), and it was totally about the journey. My 11-year relationship/marriage, precursored by a 4 year friendship started there. I’ve friends across the US, Canada and the Dominican Republic from WoW. I’ve been reluctant to

That’s why I just got so tired of Harry Potter... Every time there was a problem, they summoned a demon. Hey, basilisk in the basement, we better summon a demon. I gotta fight a dragon, I’m gonna summon a demon. Sirius is in danger, let’s summon a demon to save him. It was just so predictable that they would solve

It’s amazing, with over 500 million in sales I can’t believe this has never actually happened. Real spells, right there! That many people missed it!

I don’t know. My kids regularly yell “avada kedavra” at each other and they're all still alive, so...

continuing to ask a female subordinate out after she has said no

No body thinks any of this. You cannot copywrite concepts (Battle Royale), and this is where you seem to be lost on your first paragraph.

Removing something from your own work that you feel do not stand by is, just saying, not fucking censorship. It’s called editing! Ya know, that shit that you do in order to create a good work?

Ah, right..”censorship”...the cowards reasoning for accepting and brushing off hate speech.

Cool, that’s one less game I have to play.

I’m sure some chucklefuck is going to come in and reduce this all down to “You should’ve updated ahead of time!” or something—which, y’know. Fair—but really this is just par the course for the current state of co-op videogaming. So very few games even OPT to TRY for couch co-op, or to make picking up and actually

I remember reading about this in Electronic Gaming Monthly at the time. When you’re a Pokemon-obsessed kid, Japan seems like El Dorado, selfishly hoarding all of its fighting monster treasure from the rest of the world.

I...dont really see anything wrong here. The worst he was doing was looking at his phone like you would a GPS. When there was actually something to do he actually pulled over to do it? Good on him honestly.

Pulling some fucked-up bullshit like this makes me not want to play a studio’s new game.

The style in this comment veers bizarrely close to a Trump tweet, though with not quite enough exclamation marks.

Have ANY X-Men Legends/Marvel Ultimate Alliance games had interesting puzzles or interesting levels? They’ve ALL been brawlers where 85% of the game is enjoying the power-trip and 15% is unlocking new characters.  I don’t understand what makes this one worse to you in some way?

I’m always surprised people feel this way. I grew up on Nintendo D-Pads so I’m certainly used to them, and I still think that the four-button layout of the Switch is superior. I accidentally input the wrong direction quite frequently with a true D-Pad, pushing on the “right” direction but tilting it “up” on accident.

Say you’re experiencing drift as well and they’ll probably repair it for free.

Reddit was leading the charge against her and was making a good case, because yeah, she’s done some shitty things while streaming.
