
Now if someone would save City of Heroes/Villains for me, kthxbai

So you’re proposing that this person knew or wanted this to happen.... so they could invest a lot of time and effort... into making a very robust filter to prevent this from happening? Why the mental gymnastics?

I thought we weren’t supposed to care what other people think, what about “don’t judge” this is what happens when keeping it real goes wrong

From the article: Nichols was not so naive as to put his banana on Twitch sans protection. There was a language filter in place, but the GGX gang figured out how to trick it.

Unfortunately this couldn’t be more wrong.

Nearly wrote “Florida Man” about five times while putting this together.

The two children are dying because they’re starving to death and experiencing sickness from fallout. That is inherently “suffering” and it doesn’t matter whether it’s one set of children or the other (that criticism could be levied at any film’s characters). The deaths themselves are only incidental to the end of the

Trump would just call the kids losers, applaud how the kids refused to participate in State handouts, and say the kids just should have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.

Clearly these kids broke the first and second rules of Fight Club if the police found out.

Deadspin sure likes to talk a big game and get on its high horse but deep down you know they’re just jealous of the way Barstool has disrupted the online game by...*checks notes* having pictures of girls in bikinis.

i can’t even be mad. i clicked into this article. i read it. i did this to me.

Not mooching as much as keeping the gravy train on schedule. I have no doubt that when Tiffany was old enough her mother gave her “the talk”...Trump style.

Yeah, he plays video games professionally. Which means he has a TON of people watching him while he does his best to help lead his team to victory. Thinking that this situation couldn’t cause stress or anxiety just because what he’s doing is “playing video games” is ridiculous.

This is how I feel about American Beauty. Was Kevin Spacey supposed to get a medal for not fucking a teenager?

I do not know if you are pro- or anti-GamerGate. Whichever side you are on, however, will provide you with an answer. If you are for it (which I presume you are not), you, and the others who supported it in your age group, are the very reason such behavior exists; if you are not, you are aware of what GamerGate was,

Youre a fucking idiot

If the app had just been “would you like to punch convicted domestic abuser Chris Brown” I would have signed up for a Snapchat account just to click on the ad.

Holy shit how tone def can you be? That being said, Punch Chris Brown

Wiseau serious?

But enough about Arcade Fire.