
Why is everyone so concerned with Joe's opinions? He doesn't think for himself. He's like 2.

This episode proved even further that in no way would Alex have trouble finding a boyfriend as a high school senior.

Cam and Mitchell are the worst parents. That kid ran circles around them. Also, how did Claire just push a car 20 feet back? Does the car not have brakes?

Weak Modern Family episode, but good sitcom episode. We've come to expect more than just situational comedy from this show, because it started off so strong, but sometimes that's all they can offer. I don't think this makes it bad, I just think Mod Fam often times gets put on a pedastal and compared to itself.

Ray should have a spin-off with Shosh, leading Brooklyn's Community Board 8. Adam, Jessa and Hannah should all have cameos in said spinoff. Marnie and Desi should just never appear again with no explanation of why. Tad and Elijah should become wingmen for each other and just let the hilarity ensue.

I don't think it's bad for kids to move back in with their parents, but I do think it's bad when it kids still act like children as a result. The fact that Haley is 21, lives in her parents house and still won't pick up her dishes is a sign that she is severely immature for her age, and Phil & Claire are enabling this

I really don't think it will, Kaitlyn. I've see my peers who have been babied and spoon-fed their whole lives and compare them to those who have been told to work and make ends meet, and it's not even close. You're not doing anything for your kid but encouraging stunted growth. I don't mean you have to let them live

I think the worst thing about the Haley/Andy storyline is that 22-year-olds (whatever they are) don't move this slow. I like seeing Haley maturing and having her own, twentysomething plots, but it's been months. Haley could easily have her own spin-off, but Modern Family is not the show that is going to successfully

Did everyone miss the Phil penis/drone joke:
Manny: "And there it goes."
Luke: "Well to be fair, that pool is really cool."

I'm going to step away from the whole "it was filmed on mobile devices and it's such a statement about our society" for a minute and look at the content of the episode. This episode proved once and for all that Modern Family's characters are the biggest #firstworldproblem people ever.

After a few episodes, I actually get what (I think) the writers are trying to accomplish this season. They are showing Hannah at the point in her 20-something life where her friends are no longer rocks anymore, mainly because they are all so self-obsessed and in different settings. Shosh and Hannah have nothing in

Also, it's completely unrealistic that Shoshana would make it to a final interview for McKinsey. One of the most prestigious consulting firms in the world, and last episode this girl was "faux-interviewing" for Anne Taylor Loft. And her friends are Marnie, Jessa, and Hannah.

This show is no longer realistic. Or if it is, I'm glad it doesn't seem realistic to me. These people are just awful. (And personally, I think the writers of this show know this and are basically trolling viewers at this point.)

One aside, Sonya sure knows some perfect English for coming from a rural Colombian village…

I thought this was the best episode of the year. The reason is simple: it was the funniest. I thought Phil and Claire got the weakest story line here, yet I think it was clever, yet perhaps overlooked by this reviewer, that this wasn't Clive and Julianna, it was PHIL and Julianna.

The actor's name who played Anders is Roger Bart, not Robert.

I love the future montage that showed Ryan got his life together to be an active Dad and friendly with Amber's new man. I thought that was a tasteful and realistic touch by the writers. The sappy move would have been to put them together, and the thoughtless move would have been to leave him out. This I thought showed

You can be critical about anything, but this was literally, and I am not being hyperbolic, the most amazing episode of television I've ever seen. I laughed and cried and cried and laughed for so many reasons that I was just a mess, and it felt amazing. This show makes you realize that life is simple yet complicated,

VERY bland plot for the Manny, Jay and Gloria, and pretty average plot for the Dunphys, although I thought Steve Zahn and Andrea Anders were great. However, I thought this was the best Cam, Mitch, Lily plot in sometime. For one, it was just them, it didn't involve Mitch calling Claire and her offering awful advice,

The whole notion of Alex being a loser who can't make friends is getting dumb. Maybe it made sense like three seasons ago, yet by this point Alex is 17 or 18, smart, attractive and witty. Guys would be falling for her left and right. A lot of people would reckon to say she's the more attractive of the Dunphy sisters.